Drivers of (in)coherence in the delivery of education in Northeast Nigeria
This policy brief presents a variety of examples of misalignment between key education sector actors with respect to the goals and outcomes of education in conflict-affected areas in Northeast Nigeria. It draws on the findings of a longer ERICC working paper based on key informant interviews conducted in 2022 by ODI and the Common Heritage Foundation alongside a broad literature review. We treat these examples of misalignment as expressions of incoherence in the education system, drawing on concepts of ‘coherence for learning’ (Pritchett, 2015) and ‘humanitarian-development coherence’ (INEE, 2021), as well as the ERICC Conceptual Framework (Kim et al., 2022). In addition to identifying some of the sources of incoherence, we provide suggestions on how to improve coherence. By doing this, the brief enhances our understanding of education systems in protracted crisis settings, which we hope to further refine in future research.