Evento promovido pela INEE

Meet-Ups da INEE - Abril 2021

Entidade organizadora:
Rede Interinstitucional para a Educação em situações de Emergência (INEE)
19 Dezembro 2024 ()
Participação Comunitária

***Lista completa dos Meet-Ups da INEE em baixo.***

webinar image

Os Encontros (Meet-Ups) da INEE são reuniões informais, que acontecem em todos os cantos do mundo onde as e os membros da INEE e outras pessoas podem trabalhar em rede, partilhar experiências, e discutir assuntos relevantes. Todas as pessoas e todos os temas são bem-vindos! Esta é uma oportunidade fantástica para conhecer outros e outras membros e colegas da INEE, tanto a nível pessoal como profissional. 

Os Encontros anteriores da INEE foram todos realizados pessoalmente em países onde as voluntárias e os voluntários dos Encontros residem e nas línguas da sua escolha. Infelizmente, teremos de esperar até que a pandemia da COVID-19 esteja sob controlo para retomar a realização de reuniões presenciais. Até lá, temos o prazer de anunciar que Encontros da INEE terão lugar como eventos virtuais, na web!

Mudanças em 2021:

Após o sucesso dos Encontros totalmente virtuais da INEE em 2020, e dada a situação pandémica contínua, os Encontro (Meet-Ups) de 2021 permanecerão como eventos online, com algumas melhorias: 

4 tipos de Encontros: 

  • Encontros Globais - Um evento geral em cada língua da INEE - árabe, inglês, francês, português e espanhol - facilitado pelo Secretariado da INEE, com o apoio de organizadores/as voluntários/as (você!).
  • Encontros Geográficos - Eventos que se centram no contexto de um determinado país ou região em particular, facilitados por organizadores/as voluntários/as (você!). Os organizadores e organizadoras destes eventos decidirão o foco geográfico, a língua, o calendário e a estrutura do evento.
  • Encontros Temáticos - Eventos que incidem sobre um tópico ou tema específico, facilitados por organizadores/as voluntários/as (você!). Os organizadores e organizadoras destes eventos decidirão o tópico a ser abordado (por exemplo, bem-estar de professores e professoras, género, resposta à COVID-19, descolonização da EeE, etc.), a língua em que o Encontro decorrerá, o calendário e a estrutura do evento.
  • Encontros de Intervenientes - Eventos que visam a participação de um tipo particular de intervenientes da EeE, facilitados por organizadoras e organizadores voluntários (você!). Estas pessoas organizadoras do evento decidirão o tipo de pessoas intervenientes/ partes interessadas (por exemplo, profissionais de ONG, professores/ professoras, académicos/as, pessoas refugiadas, etc.), a língua, o calendário e a estrutura do evento. 

*Sem especificação, todos os eventos estão abertos a qualquer pessoa interessada. 


Lista de Encontros da INEE:

Desça para ver todos os eventos Globais, Geográficos, Temáticos e de Intervenientes.

Encontros Globais:

INEE Global Meet-Up (English)
15 April 2021, 9:00 UTC - 4 (New York) (Add to your calendar)
Registration link: https://rescue.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEucOypqj8pGN36WT47wPvF5ICzbYT2goYL

Rencontre mondiale de l'INEE (français)
19 avril 2021, 15:00 UTC + 2 (Paris) (Ajouter à votre calendrier)
Lien d'inscription:  https://rescue.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYuf-qsqjMoHdCpkXR4TvoHkiM3ts1_JKAX

Encuentro global de la INEE (español)
19 de abril de 2021, 8:30 UTC - 5 (México) (Agrégalo a tu calendario)
Enlace de registro: https://rescue.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIsde-opz0uGd3diak6iJmsvX1X0vW-GEAO

Meet-Up Global da INEE (português)
21 de abril de 2021, 17:00 UTC + 1 (Lisboa) (Adicionar ao calendário)
Link de registro:  https://rescue.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUud-morDwvEtQ9ovpRg8Mafkj1X4xbh0rJ

لقاء الآيني العالمي - اللغة العربية
22 April 2021, 15:30 UTC +3 (Amman) (Add to your calendar)
Registration link: https://rescue.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJArduyhpjgvGNYokAfb2_ajp73mjFi9SUv2


Encontros Geográficos:

Bangladesh, INEE Country Meet-Up (Bangla)
24 April 2021, 12:00 UTC + 6 (Dhaka) (Add to your calendar)
Registration link:  https://rescue.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEode6srzwtE9Ai7SEteBqQ_Ou_1u2wEqS7

Bénin, Rencontre de l'INEE (français)
Thème: "Impacts du Coronavirus sur la vie scolaire au Bénin"
21 avril 2021, 9:00 UTC + 1 (Porto Novo) (Ajouter à votre calendrier
Lien d'inscription: https://rescue.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYscO2rqDguGNWjZ7DZxhvaxv5F5txC6wMw

Brasil, Encontro da INEE (português)
23 de abril de 2021, 16:00 UTC - 4 (Manaus/Roraima) (Adicionar ao calendário)
Link de registro: 

Cameroun, Rencontre de l'INEE (français)
Thème: "Les Zones d’Éducation Précaires au Cameroun: Cartographie, Défis et Perspectives" 
29 avril 2021, 16:00 UTC + 1 (Yaoundé) (Ajouter à votre calendrier)

Lien d'inscription: https://rescue.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIlcemoqzgvE9fo096DwPwoJ_O2dQXZTlNO

Canada, INEE Country Meet-Up (English)
26 April 2021, 11:00 UTC - 4 (EDT) (Add to your calendar)
Registration link: https://utoronto.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMld--vqDIuHtOdfaIBSkJu9KOHQfx_6AsC

Colombia, Encuentro de la INEE (español)
28 de abril de 2021, 16:00 UTC - 5 (Bogotá) (Agrégalo a tu calendario)
Enlace: https://lobby.sar.ruav.edu.co/#/2S45E6WUQHPH

Colombia, Encuentro de la INEE (español)
Tema: "Impactos de la Migración y el Desplazamiento Interno en el Desarrollo Social y Cultural de Niños, Niñas y Jóvenes en Colombia"
30 de abril de 2021, 19:00 UTC - 5 (Bogotá) (Agrégalo a tu calendario)
Enlace: https://rescue.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwrcOGuqj8jE9FYQwKNWAixurrKPQ1lf2Dp

Haïti, Rencontre de l'INEE (français)
22 avril 2021, 10:00 UTC - 4 (Port-au-Prince) (Ajouter à votre calendrier
Lien d'inscription: https://rescue.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwkcO6srDkuE9GHoT0uDXjRC89Zwtr02NIf

Lebanon, INEE Country Meet-Up (English)
Topic:"Adaptation to Remote Learning of Non-Formal Education Programs for Refugee Children in Lebanon"
23 April 2021, 10:00 UTC + 3 (Beirut) (Add to your calendar)

Registration link: https://rescue.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIpdeuorzwoE9085fepGx9TXq50gui6YW3J

Liberia, INEE Country Meet-Up (English)
30 April 2021, 17:00 GMT (Monrovia) (Add to your calendar)
Registration link:  https://rescue.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUld-2qqTotHtBBIwkcNRrVCTDbFR4EAFVl

Liberia, INEE Country Meet-Up (English)
Topic: "Education on the Development of the Individual"
24 April 2021, 11:00 GMT (Monrovia) (Add to your calendar)
Registration link: https://rescue.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYtduusqzsoG9ZeYsXgTe0KnqSLKJTimyQF

Moçambique, Encontro da INEE (português)
Tema: "A criança em situação de deslocação interna forçada"
23 de abril de 2021, 16:00 UTC +2 (Maputo) (Adicionar ao calendário)
Link de registro: 

Nigeria, INEE Country Meet-Up (English)
29 April 2021, 15:00 UTC +1 (Lagos) (Add to your calendar)
Registration link:  https://rescue.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0pcOqqpzotEtRZ_0QXeaSqt4Tf0ncv5FhD

Nigeria, INEE Country Meet-Up (English)
Topic: "Educating Children Impacted by Humanitarian Emergencies in Nigeria: Challenges and Lessons"
28 April 2021, 11:00 UTC + 1 (Lagos) (Add to your calendar)

Registration link: https://rescue.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJclcuqtqTwqHN07bGEXh5Z3s85tbfZaeKcg

Nigeria, INEE Country Meet-Up (English)
Topic: "Strategies of Ending Education Inequalities During Remote Learning Amidst of Epidemic and School Abduction in Nigeria"
15 April 2021, 16:00 UTC + 1 (Lagos) (Add to your calendar)

Registration link:  https://rescue.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIrcumgqDstEtaGlD6ipLI3F6PDps_vWJ_I

Pakistan, INEE Country Meet-Up (English and Urdu)
28 April 2021, 13:00 UTC + 5 (Islamabad) (Add to your calendar)
Registration link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZErc--srjojGNA4w46vHG4UOyWW5TXYXQDD 

République démocratique du Congo, Rencontre de l'INEE (français)
28 avril 2021, 10:00 UTC + 1 (Kinshasa) (Ajouter à votre calendrier)
Lien d'inscription: https://rescue.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJArfu-opjIqG92_t4Okfm46fHiOMb7btyHX

Somalia, INEE Country Meet-Up (English)
Topic: "How to Strengthen Capacity Building of Primary Teachers in Somalia"
22 April 2021, 10:00 UTC + 3 (Mogadishu) (Add to your calendar)
Registration link: https://rescue.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMscumoqj0iE9L4shFSh37cs6NwxeSKtSm9

South Asia, INEE Regional Meet-Up (English)
27 April 2021, 12:00 UTC +6 (Dhaka) (Add to your calendar)
Registration link:  https://rescue.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwlf-iqqz0iH9EZM6i_jZy_SYKmX5dmakd4

South Sudan, INEE Country Meet-Up (English)
21 April 2021, 14:00 UTC + 2 (Juba) (Add to your calendar)
Registration link:  https://rescue.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJAtc-CorD8pG93YQ-OzIq2EMa1r9ERyJt61

Tanzania, INEE Country Meet-Up (Swahili)
20 April 2021, 12:00 UTC +3 (Dar es Salaam) (Add to your calendar)
Registration link:  https://rescue.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMtde2urzIjH9J9qYFzT57Hcqji4b0FNlZs

Tchad, Rencontre de l'INEE (français)
Thème: "La Déperdition Scolaire des Filles au Tchad: Enjeux et Perspectives"
24 avril 2021, 16:00 UTC + 1 (N'Djamena) (Ajouter à votre calendrier)

Lien d'inscription: https://rescue.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEtdeqtrzouGt3smCV1QwxJSU8xnFlCQPpZ

Tchad, Rencontre de l'INEE (français)
Thème: "Quel Système Éducatif Pour les Enfants dans les Situations d'Urgence?"
16 avril 2021, 12:00 UTC +1 (N'Djamena) (Ajouter à votre calendrier)
Lien d'inscription: https://rescue.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJcvcuCvpzMvGdQeh_mic5qWs49oA9d17fA5

Uganda, INEE Country Meet-Up (English)
24 April 2021, 9:00 UTC + 3 (Kampala) (Add to your calendar)
Registration link: https://rescue.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJAvdeChrzsiHdcTg3jV0abbM3I1M1T-fBXe

لقاء لأعضاء الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا
23 April 2021,8:00 UTC - 4 (EDT) (Add to your calendar)
Registration link: https://rescue.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIldu6qqDgqH91Gc5zfjHqLsE2tSiF65G9a

 لقاء الشبكة المشتركة لوكالات التعليم في حالات الطوارئ  -  سوريا
15 April 2021, 14:00 UTC + 3 (Damascus) (Add to your calendar)
Registration link: https://rescue.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJErf-qtrTgpH9frLLRXM-LDwQEDWIYUOJal

لقاء الشبكة المشتركة لوكالات التعليم في حالات الطوارئ  - السودان
15 April 2021, 14:00 UTC + 2 (Khartoum) (Add to your calendar)
Registration link:   https://rescue.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJcldO6qpjgtHN22tGiCtUudn3z5s-o27SNB

لقاء الشبكة المشتركة لوكالات التعليم في حالات الطوارئ  -  الاردن
21 April 2021,12:00 UTC + 3 (Amman)  (Add to your calendar)
Registration link:  https://rescue.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0vceGvqDosE90OzlGdxHe88BHhKO6QyVrR

  لقاء الشبكة المشتركة لوكالات التعليم في حالات الطوارئ  -  اليمن
عنوان اللقاء: "تداعيات جائحة كوفيد ١٩ على قطاع التعليم"
23 April 2021,14:00 UTC + 3 (Sanaa) (Add to your calendar)
Registration link: https://rescue.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0udeyupj4sHdyZ47wNIlvG6DPU520WFM18

لقاء الشبكة المشتركة لوكالات التعليم في حالات الطوارئ - الاردن
عنوان: "جائحة كوفيد-19 وتعليم الطلبة ذوي الإعاقة، التأثيرات والاستجابة"
28 April 2021, 13:00 UTC + 3 (Amman) (Add to your calendar)
Registration link: https://rescue.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0rdemrrjkqHdGfEl0Wb5Hmph1iTGRUWINP

لقاء الشبكة المشتركة لوكالات التعليم في حالات الطوارئ - سوريا
  "تداعيات جائحة كوفيد ١٩ على قطاع التعليم(عنوان اللقاء):

29 April 2021, 14:00 UTC + 3 (Damascus) (Add to your calendar)
Registration link: https://rescue.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJAlcuGpqzopG9aqIUrl0egPc2VwPHxbwIRJ

Encontros Temáticos:

Global, INEE Meet-Up (English)
Topic: "Best Practices for Practitioners Working With Unaccompanied Minors' Transitions to Adulthood"
16 April 2021, 19:00 UTC + 3 (Athens) (Add to your calendar)

Registration link: https://rescue.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwkceutqD4tGNUgilbYIS6t-ye22H07wGB0

Global, INEE Meet-Up (English)
Topic: "Gender Considerations in Education in Emergencies: Focus on Girls' Education"
23 April 2021, 15:00 UTC + 3 (Nairobi) (Add to your calendar)

Registration link: https://rescue.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0lcOmsrT8jHtNYaz1F-NAyJY0Py_oU2erd

Global, INEE Meet-Up (English)
Topic: "Arts and Culture in EiE"
23 April 2021, 10:00 UTC - 4 (EDT) (Add to your calendar)

Registration link: https://rescue.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIpd-mvrDopHdap98hUpi-2-Nd_a_XSXSf-

Global, INEE Meet-Up (English and Arabic) لقاء الايني العالمي (باللغتين الإنجليزية والعربية)
Topic: "Challenges Experienced While Implementing Distance Education in Emergencies During COVID-19"
الموضوع: "التحديات التي تمت مواجهتها أثناء تنفيذ التعليم عن بعد في حالات الطوارئ أثناء جائحة كوفيد ١٩"
30 April 2021, 13:00 UTC -7 (San Francisco) (Add to your calendar٣٠ أبريل (نيسان) ٢٠٢١ ، الساعة ١١ مساءأ بتوقيت عمان، الاردن. 
Registration link (رابط التسجيل):  https://rescue.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUld-6rrTIjG9JGClX0GI_oUnFe1moraR-7

Global, INEE Meet-Up (English)
Topic: "Child Agency and Participation in EiE"
26 April 2021, 14:00 UTC+ 2 (Brussels) (Add to your calendar)

Registration link: https://rescue.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0uf-6qrjIqGNy36N9903_Sh6cnzA-6mWOC

Global, INEE Meet-Up (English)
Topic: "Coordination in EiE"
24 April 2021, 10:00 UTC + 1 (Lisbon) (Add to your calendar)

Registration link: https://rescue.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJElcOugrzMpGdI6ipl1_EfNNC7Qh-RrySnl

Global, INEE Meet-Up (multilingue)
Topic: "Decolonising EiE?" 
21 April 2021, 13:00 GMT (Add to your calendar)
Registration link: https://rescue.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIpcOGgpj4sE9zvD7KUfT-CxbWCU5gV9m6A

Global, INEE Meet-Up (English)
Topic: "Language in Education in Emergencies"
21 April 2021, 20:00 UTC +10 (Sydney) (Add to your calendar)

Registration link: https://rescue.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJItcOmrpjsiGtwLI7ikajOpvYkEifjNA18a

Rencontre mondiale de l'INEE (français) 
Thème: "Le droit à l'éducation et l'implication des acteurs privés en situations d’urgence"
22 Avril 2021, 10:00 UTC + 2 (Paris) (Ajouter à votre calendrier)

Lien d'inscription:  https://rescue.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIvdeqhrz4rGNzt9eEzxKlnRcnfX1FmKHI7

Regional Eastern Africa, INEE Meet-Up (English)
Topic: "Tangible EiE Best Practices in the Context of COVID-19"
(Covering: Rwanda, Burundi, Uganda, Kenya, Ethiopia and South Sudan)
29 April 2021, 15:00 UTC + 2 (Kigali) (Add to your calendar)

Registration link:  https://rescue.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEtc-Ctrz8iE9HmVVAK2wx5GQVd9n9frUxk

Encuentro Regional (América Latina y el Caribe) de la INEE (español)
Tema: "Aprendizaje Socioemocional y Bienestar Docente"
28 de abril de 2021, 17:00 UTC - 5 (Bogotá) (Agrégalo a tu calendario)

Enlace de registro: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_75qAX4WiS3q6ELwiUpSMHw

Encuentro Regional (América Latina y el Caribe) de la INEE (español)
Tema: "Educación para Personas con Discapacidad en Tiempos de COVID-19"
23 de abril de 2021, 15:00 UTC - 5 (Quito) (Agrégalo a tu calendario)

Enlace de registro: https://rescue.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEkcuqurTMvE9CJlslbCgffGXEYohDisXbx

"تعليم النازحين داخلياً في الشرق الاوسط: فرص وتحديات"
28 April 2021, 14:00 UTC + 3 (Sana'a) (Add to your calendar)
Registration link:  https://rescue.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEpc-igqTsqGNyctUxpaw1TSl4WjOfOPksn

Encontros de Intervenientes:

"اليمن - لقاء الايني يسلط الضوء على مقابلة بعض اصحاب المصلحة:
المعلمون، مدراء المدارس، العاملون في سياقات التعليم في حالات الطوارئ من منظمات مجتمع محلي وهيئات تمويل"

26 April 2021,23:00 UTC + 3 (Aden) (Add to your calendar)
Registration link:  https://rescue.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJctduCvqjwsGNzMAeRmYi4c6Ef63wPIxZN5