Recurso Humanitarian inclusion standards for older people and people with disabilities The Humanitarian inclusion standards for older people and people with disabilities help humanitarian organisations ensure nobody is marginalised or left behind during emergency responses.
Recurso Guide to Developing Education Cluster Strategies The purpose of this Guide and accompanying Strategy Package is to provide practical, relevant guidance and resources to education in emergencies (EiE) coordination staff on how to develop and update an Education Cluster Strategy.
Recurso Minimum Standards for Market Analysis The objective of the Minimum Standard for Market Analysis (MISMA) is to guide the work of humanitarian practitioners across sectors and to ensure that, irrespective of the tool used, the key standard of market analysis is being met. By supporting high-quality market analysis, the MISMA intends to contribute to improving response analysis and programme implementation.
Recurso دليل اسفير الميثاق الانسانية والمعايير الدنيا للاستجابة الانسانية يعد المستخدمون الرئيسيون لدليل اسفير ممارسين مشاركين في تخطيط أو إدارة أو تنفيذ اال إ ستجابة النسانية.
Recurso The Sphere Handbook: Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Humanitarian Response The principal users of The Sphere Handbook are practitioners involved in planning, managing or implementing a humanitarian response.
Recurso El Manual Esfera: Carta Humanitaria y normas mínimas para la respuesta humanitaria Los usuarios principales del Manual Esfera son profesionales que trabajan en la planificación, la gestión o la ejecución de una respuesta humanitaria, entre ellos el personal y los voluntarios de organizaciones humanitarias locales, nacionales e internacionales, así como las propias personas afectadas, que responden a una situación de crisis.
Recurso Le manuel Sphère: La Charte humanitaire et les Standards minimum de l’intervention humanitaire Les principaux utilisateurs du manuel Sphère sont des praticiens directement concernés par la planification, la gestion ou la mise en œuvre d’interventions humanitaires.
Recurso Carta Humanitária e Normas Mínimas de Resposta Humanitária em Situação de Desastre A satisfação das necessidades básicas e o restabelecimento de condições de vida dignas são princípios fundamentais que devem nortear todo o tipo de acção humanitária.
Recurso Migration Data Portal The Portal is a unique access point to timely, comprehensive migration statistics and reliable information about migration data globally.
Recurso Localisation in Coordination Following the World Humanitarian Summit, the Protection and Education Cluster Lead Agencies, and Co-Leads made commitments to promote localisation. In essence, this means that coordination groups and their respective response strategies should be guided by the principle – “as local as possible, as international as necessary.”