Recurso Education Cannot Wait: Protecting Children and Youth’s Right to a Quality Education in Humanitarian Emergencies and Conflict Situations The UN General Assembly resolution on ‘the right to education in emergency situations’ emphasizes the obligation to secure education for all children regardless of context. The UN Secretary General’s Education Initiative, Education First, also upholds the right to education in conflict and humanitarian emergencies, reinforcing the GA resolution.
Recurso Reaching out-of-school children is crucial for development This paper shows that progress in reducing the number of children out of school has stalled. This not only denies millions of children their right to education, but also jeopardizes wider development efforts. The paper sets out five reasons why reversing this trend is urgent.
Recurso Atteindre les enfants non scolarisés est crucial pour le développement Ce document montre que la réduction du nombre des enfants non scolarisés s’est bloquée. Cette situation a pour effet non seulement de priver des millions d’enfants de leur droit à l’éducation, mais aussi d’entraver les efforts en matière de développement. Ce document présente les cinq raisons pour lesquelles il est urgent d’inverser cette tendance
Recurso الوحدة الثامنة: الصلات بين التعليم و القطاعات الأخرة سيتمكن المشاركون في نهاية هذه الجلسة التدريبية من: فهم الصلة بين التعليم و القطاعات الأخرى في كافة مراحل حالات الطوارئ ابتداءً من الاستعداد إلى الاستجابة ومن ثم التعافي, تطوير فهم افضل للقطاعات المختلفة التي تعمل في حالات الطوارئ الحادة، ومعرفة أي منها يتم التنسيق معها عند اعداد برنامج التعليم في حالات الطوارئ.
Recurso EiE Harmonized Training Module 8: Links Between Education and Other Sectors At the end of this session participants will be able to understand the links between education and other sectors in all emergency phases – from preparedness, response to recovery and gain a better understanding of the various sectors that work in acute emergencies and which ones to liaise with when establishing emergency education programmes.
Recurso Module 8 : Liens entre l’éducation et les autres secteurs À la fin de cette session, les participants comprendront les liens entre l'éducation et d'autres secteurs pour chacune des phases d'urgence et auront une meilleure connaissance des différents secteurs intervenant en cas d’extrême urgence et sauront avec lesquels coopérer pour mettre en œuvre les programmes d'éducation d'urgence.
Recurso INEE Thematic Issue Brief: Inter-sectoral Linkages An inter-sectoral approach to education is essential for an effective education response. Taking an inter-sectoral approach to education means prioritising coordination and close collaboration between education and other sectors, particularly Water and Sanitation, Shelter, Camp Management, Health and Hygiene, Protection, Food aid and Nutrition, in order to address all needs of learners.
Recurso Re-thinking Aid Policy in Protracted Crises This short article captures the shift in thinking over the past decade regarding the relationship between relief and development.
Recurso INEE Good Practice Guide: Role of Agencies & Governments National Governments, the United Nations, National NGOs, and International NGOs each play a vital role in providing education in emergencies.
Recurso Never again: educational reconstruction in Rwanda Strong political leadership is decisive in turning a country's education system around. Anna Obura's study traces the remarkable efforts in Rwanda to reconstruct the national education system after the 1994 genocide, and to right the wrongs of long decades of discrimination, exclusion and divisiveness practised in schools.