Recurso Directrices Generales Inter-Agenciales Sobre Niñas y Niños no Acompañados y Separados Estas Directrices Generales están dirigidas básicamente a las organizaciones nacionales, internacionales y no gubernamentales y otras asociaciones que trabajan con los niños y las niñas separados. También están diseñadas para apoyar a los gobiernos y donantes a cumplir con sus obligaciones y en la toma de decisiones sobre financiamiento.
Recurso Principes directeurs inter-agences relatifs aux enfants non accompagnés ou séparés de leur famille Les Principes directeurs inter-agences relatifs aux enfants non accompagnés ou séparés de leur famille ont été principalement rédigés à l’intention des organisations nationales, internationales et non gouvernementales ainsi que des associations sensiblisées au sort des enfants séparés.
Recurso Exploring the Enforceability of Refugees’ Right to Education: A Comparative Analysis of Human Rights Treaties Authors Sarah Horsch Carsley and S. Garnett Russell identify why the three treaties that address refugees’ right to education are among the least enforceable in international human rights law.
Recurso Book Review: Just Violence: Torture and Human Rights in the Eyes of the Police by Rachel Wahl In this review of Rachel Wahl's Just Violence: Torture and Human Rights in the Eyes of the Police, Amit Prakash highlights the author's attempt to go beyond the binaries often associated with human rights and torture.
Blogue Congratulations to all children on the anniversary of their very own human rights convention! Three things that make the Convention on the Rights of the Child absolutely unique to our work.
Notícias Record Number of Children Killed and Maimed in 2018, Urgent to Put in Place Measures to Prevent Violations The year 2018 was marked by the highest levels of children killed or maimed in armed conflict since the United Nations started monitoring and reporting this grave violation, shows the latest Annual Report of the Secretary-General on Children and Armed Conflict released today.
Recurso Global Childhood Report 2019: Changing Lives in our Lifetime This year's Global Childhood Report examines the major reasons why childhood comes to an early end, and finds significantly fewer children suffering ill-health, malnutrition, exclusion from education, child labor, child marriage, early pregnancy and violent death.
Recurso Informe Sobe La Niñez En El Mundo 2019: Construyendo una Vide Mejor con la Ninez Con ocasión del centenario de su fundación, Save the Children presenta el tercer Informe sobre la niñez en el mundo, que se publica de forma anual, para celebrar los avances logrados en favor de la infancia.
Recurso Rapport Sur L'Enfance Dans Le Monde 2019: Agir Des Augourd'hui Pour des Vies Meilleures Pour commémorer sa création il y a cent ans, Save the Children publie son troisième Rapport sur l’enfance dans le monde annuel, qui témoigne des progrès accomplis en faveur des enfants.
Notícias For Refugee Children, Reading Helps Heal Trauma Psychologists find that story time can build the strong relationships they need for healthy development.