Recurso Plan de Gestión del Riesgo en instituciones educativas: Guía metodológica para su elaborac Guía que presenta una propuesta metodológica para promover un proceso de elaboración participativa del plan de gestión del riesgo de la institución educativa mediante una secuencia de pasos para la obtención de subproductos que servirán como insumos para la elaboración final del plan de gestión del riesgo y del plan de contingencia.
Recurso Starting from Scratch: The Challenges of Including Youth in Rebuilding Southern Sudan Starting from Scratch: The Challenges of Including Youth in Rebuilding Southern Sudan is based on an assessment in Southern Sudan in June 2010 to identify young women and men's skills-building needs, challenges and opportunities; extract lessons learned from existing training programs; and document current and emerging demand for skills in the Southern Sudanese labor market.
Recurso Getting it Right for Children: A practitioner's guide to child rights programming Drawing on Save the Children's experience around the world, this guide provides ideas and tools that will enable development and humanitarian workers to put children and their rights at the centre of their programmes.
Recurso Haciendo lo correcto por las niñas y los niños: Una guía sobre programación de derechos del niño para profesionales Esta guía para profesionales que desean realizar la programación de los derechos del niño (PDN) le ayudará a aplicar los principios y valores de los derechos del niño en cada una de las etapas de su programación.
Recurso العمل الحقوقي من أجل الأطفال: دليل الممارسين في البرمجة المبنية على حقوق الطفل Drawing on Save the Children's experience around the world, this guide provides ideas and tools that will enable development and humanitarian workers to put children and their rights at the centre of their programmes.
Recurso World Programme Action for Youth The World Programme of Action for Youth (WPAY) provides a policy framework and practical guidelines for national action and international support to improve the situation of young people.
Recurso Successful Stories in Afghanistan The following stories are from different schools students & PTSA members. They are simple but reflect the commitment & responsibility of Parent Teacher, Student Association (PTSA), Student Councils (SC), community elders & other relevant people. The following two stories are stated by two girls when they were invited to Child Friendly Survey.
Recurso Haiti's Greatest Resource: Ensuring the Participation of Children & Young People in Recovery Efforts A brief developed by UNICEF which provides an overview of some statistics relating to adolescents and youth in Haiti prior to the earthquake, highlights of key opportunities to include children, adolescents and youth in programming the emergency response, and some contacts of youth organisations working in Haiti.
Recurso INEE Thematic Issue Brief: Youth In emergency situations, adolescents have specific needs that are different than those of adults or younger children.
Recurso L'Education Civique et Morale au sein de la Jeunesse en Situation d'Urgence "Toute société du monde est en quelque sorte le reflet ou le miroir qui renvoie l'état d'évolution de sa jeunesse", dit-on. La démographie de bien de pays en développement est caractérisée par une forte croissance et par la présence d'une grande majorité de jeunes, sans travail pour la plupart, d'où le phénomène " jeunes de la rue.