Evento Using the INEE Minimum Standards during COVID-19 The ninth webinar of the series will formally launch the INEE Technical Note on Education During the COVID-19 Pandemic. During the webinar, panelists will give an overview of the technical note itself, along with practical examples of how the INEE Minimum Standards can be applied in the COVID-19 response.
Notícias 9 Out Of 10 Children Are Out Of School Worldwide. What Now? Right now students are out of school in 185 countries. According to UNESCO, that's roughly 9 out of 10 schoolchildren worldwide. The world has never seen a school shutdown on this scale. And not since Great Britain during World War II has such a long-term, widespread emptying of classrooms come to a rich country.
Recurso Education Cluster Strategy: South Sudan COVID 19 Preparedness and Response Plan 2020 To support Government efforts to contain the disease and prevent further spread, the Education Cluster partners developed the COVID 19 preparedness and response strategy that outlines the joint strategic response approach to the outbreak for the next six months (April-Sept 2020).
Recurso Plan de reponse du MENAPLN pour la continuite educative dans le contexte du covid-19 Ce plan de riposte sera opérationnalisé à travers l’utilisation des technologies de l’information et de la communication pour l’enseignement (TICE) pour la continuité pédagogique, et les mesures pour la reprise des activités pédagogiques dans les structures éducatives du MENAPLN dans le contexte du COVID-19.
Recurso Alternate Education Service Delivery COVID-19 Emergency Response Plan This emergency response plan for COVID-19 pandemic has been prepared in order to use the existing resources and capacity of MoE and through various innovative ways, continue the education service delivery to students at their homes.
Recurso Business Continuity for Education in Iraq Guidance Note The purpose of this guidance note is to give partners ideas of how they can continue to support learners during this period when schools are closed.
Recurso COVID-19 and Education in Emergencies While other critical needs such as health, water and sanitation are being responded to, educational needs cannot be forgotten and these have an equally detrimental impact if left unaddressed. The ‘pile-on effect’ of the coronavirus is that, during the global COVID-19 pandemic, interruptions to education can have long term implications -- especially for the most vulnerable.
Recurso Education Cluster COVID Response Framework Template The Global Education Cluster's response framework template contextualized to COVID-19
Recurso Modèle de cadre de réponse COVID du Cluster Éducation Le modèle de cadre de réponse du Cluster Éducation contextualisée à la COVID-19.
Notícias Coronavirus Impacts Education A record number of children and youth are not attending school because of temporary or indefinite school closures mandated by governments in an attempt to slow the spread of COVID-19 (link is external). As of 4 March, 22 countries in three different continents have announced or implemented school closures.