Recurso Advocacy for Education in Emergencies During this webinar, INEE Advocacy Working Group members shared their knowledge and experiences developing advocacy strategies, highlighting successful campaigns they have worked on in a variety of contexts. The second half of the webinar included an open discussion with participants about useful techniques, capacity gaps, and needs that could be addressed by the AWG.
Recurso Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council on Education in Emergencies and Protracted Crises The European Commission's 'Communication to the European Parliament and the Council on Education in Emergencies and Protracted Crises' outlines its strategy and policies for integrating EIE into its broader humanitarian and development response.
Recurso الإصدار الثاني - التوعية العامة وتثقيف المُجتَمَع للحد من مخاطر الكوارث: الرسائل العملية الرئيسية يقدم هذا المستند المحدّث نصائح وإرشادات عملية حول رسائل الحدّ من مخاطر الكوارث، بالإضافة الى المعلومات لمشاركتها مع العامة. يمكن استخدامه من قبل أي مؤسسة مسؤولة عن تحسين سلامة المجتمعات والتخفيف من آثار الصدمات والمخاطر والكوارث.
Recurso Public awareness and public education for disaster risk reduction: Action-oriented key messages for households and schools This second edition provides messages for all types of hazards including 13 major hazards and family disaster preparedness. The revised key messages, in this second edition, are updated to cover additional hazards and have been reviewed for integration of climate change messages, messages regarding pets and livestock and child protection-specific guidance during crises and emergencies.
Recurso Concientización y educación pública para la reducción del riesgo de desastres: Mensajes claves para la toma de medidas en los hogares y los colegios Esta publicación actualizada ofrece consejos prácticos y orientación sobre los mensajes de reducción del riesgo de desastres e información para compartir con el público. Puede ser utilizada por cualquier institución que tenga la responsabilidad de mejorar la seguridad de las comunidades y de mitigar los impactos de los choques, los peligros y los desastres.
Recurso Sensibilisation et éducation du public pour la réduction des risques de catastrophes : Messages clés concrets pour les écoles et les ménages Cette deuxième édition fournit des messages pour tous les types de dangers, y compris 13 dangers majeurs et la préparation des familles aux catastrophes. Les messages clés révisés, dans cette deuxième édition, sont mis à jour pour couvrir des dangers supplémentaires et ont été revus pour intégrer les messages sur le changement climatique, les messages concernant les animaux domestiques et le bétail et les conseils spécifiques à la protection des enfants pendant les crises et les situations d'urgence.
Recurso I Ran With the Books Children's call for education in emergencies. Story of Grace and Anna who fled violence in South Sudan, and now demand education for themselves and others in crisis contexts.
Recurso Learning and Well-Being in Emergencies: Resource Kit he toolkit contains components that include Introduction for proposal development and advocacy; Community Action for initial non-formal education or informal learning; Teacher Training to support teachers/facilitators; Learner Assessment tools, and a comprehensive Community Action component to support literacy and well-being in the immediate aftermath of a crisis.
Recurso Promising Practices in Refugee Education Synthesis Report Promising Practices in Refugee Education is a joint initiative launched in March 2017. The initiative set out to identify, document and promote innovative ways to effectively reach refugee children and young people with quality educational opportunities.
Recurso Public good over private profit This toolkit is intended as a resource for civil society coalitions and organisations with a rights-based understanding of education, who want to better understand the development and impact of privatisation in the education sector in their country, and who may be thinking about, or have already embarked on, advocacy against the harmful effects of privatisation.