Recurso Shifting Power to Young People- How Young People Can Lead and Drive Solutions in Humanitarian Action Drawing on lessons and best practice from crises and emergencies across the world, the report emphasises that engaging young people in prevention, preparedness, response and recovery will bring better, more localised and more accountable responses. However, this report also displays how young people face particular vulnerabilities and marginalisation connected to their age and identities.
Recurso Pathways to Wellbeing and a More Peaceful and Sustainable World: The Transformative Power of Children and Families Evidence is emerging that family- and community-based ECD services are cost-effective and have the potential to contribute to social cohesion and peacebuilding in both the short and long term – from one generation to the next. Given this, we need to engage government officials and policy-makers around the globe, as partners to invest in ECD services, using a multi-sectorial approach.
Notícias ECW joins forces with the Islamic Development Bank Education Cannot Wait joins forces with the Islamic Development Bank to address the challenge of 28 million out-of-school children in OIC Member countries.
Recurso Youth Advocacy Toolkit This toolkit is for any young person who wants to start their own advocacy campaign. If you are a teacher or a facilitator, you can also use this toolkit with your group to inspire them to work out which children’s rights issues they care about and how to go about creating the change they want to see.
Recurso Youth led guide on prevention of violent extremism through education This guide represents an effort to add greater effectiveness, inclusive participation, and diversity of perspective to the PVE recommendations and resources currently available.
Recurso Youth and the Field of Countering Violent Extremism The purpose of this discussion paper is to investigate the youth challenge in the CVE field. It probes the role youth play in CVE and suggests recommendations for enhancing CVE’s effectiveness. The paper also examines youth with reference to violence, conflict, the state, and struggles to achieve adulthood.
Recurso التنافس .. عندما نسمع كلمة تنافس ھناك الكثير من الھواجس تدور لكن دون ان تجد مرسى واضح ما ھو التنافس وماذا يقصد به. ھل ھو التنافر أو التزاحم أم القتال أم التناحر. من هنا نبدأ بإيراد تعريفه في قواميس اللغة والتي وضعت له تعريف قد يكون مخالفاً لما في الواقع التطبيقي
Recurso الذكاوات المتعددة والطفل واھل وانشطة الذكاء والعقل واليات التفكير تأتي في أولى اھتمامات العلماء وابحاث دوما، ومن ھذه ابحاث والنظريات التي تتناول عقل ا,نسان نظرية "الذكاوات المتعددة" أو " نظرية الذكاء المتعدد اوجه"، فھي نظرية تسھل علينا فھم العقل و آليات التفكير و التصرف.
Recurso UNICEF Programme Guidance for the Second Decade: Programming With and for Adolescents This guidance document builds on existing UNICEF programming and makes adjustments to cover identified gaps. It seeks to increase coherence, scale up results and establish priorities and guiding principles in support of country and regional offices
Recurso Book Review: Youth in Postwar Guatemala: Education and Civic Identity in Transition by Michelle J. Bellino In Youth in Postwar Guatemala: Education and Civic Identity in Transition, Michelle J. Bellino draws on 14 months of ethnographic fieldwork to examine the complexities that the historical memory of armed conflict offers for the consolidation of democracy and the expansion of citizenship among youth.