Recurso Learning and Wellbeing in Emergencies: Resource Kit The ‘Learning & Wellbeing in Emergencies’ toolkit (LWiE) focuses on building and measuring early foundational literacy skills, alongside social emotional learning, in emergency contexts with a particular focus on community engagement as a key support for children.
Recurso برنامج تطوير المعلمين القائم على المدرسة المتخصص لمعلمي الصفوف من 7-12 يعتبر برنامج تطوير المعلمين القائم على المدرسة المتخصص لمعلمي الصفوف من (7-12) بعداَ رئيساَ من أبعاد استراتيجية إصلاح النظام التعليمي في الأونروا.
Recurso School-based Teacher Development Programme for Teachers of Grades 7-12 The programme seeks to improve teaching and learning practices in UNRWA classrooms through developing interactive pedagogies (ways of teaching) that will engage students of grades (7-12) more effectively in their learning.
Recurso Where It’s Needed Most: Quality Professional Development for All Teachers This guide is based on rich information that emerged from the INEE-hosted online forum on Teacher Professional Development in Crisis.
Recurso Rethinking quality of education in the context of emergencies This literature-review based dissertation aims to fill this gap by providing a theoretical model that illustrates how to map different theoretical discourses and frameworks within the quality debate with respect to the ´how´ of teacher education in the field of crises and emergencies.
Recurso Applying Basic Child Protection Mainstreamin: Training for Field Staff in Non-Protection Sector (Facilitator's Guide) The one-day training workshop outlined in this guide is intended to acquaint staff members who are not child protection practitioners with basic concepts related to child protection, help them think through how their areas of work can contribute to child protection, and give them the opportunity to plan and to take some actions to increase protection of children through their own work.
Recurso الدعم النفسي للتعليم في حالات الطوارئ - حقيبة الموارد والتدريب للمعلمين والمرشدين تهدف هذه الحزمة التدريبية والموارد إلى تزويد المعلمين والمستشارين بالمهارات الأساسية لدعم الصحة النفسية والاجتماعية للأطفال المتضررين من النزاع وحالات الطوارئ.
Recurso PSS for Education in Emergencies - Training and Resource Package for Teachers and Counselors The aim of this training and resource package is to equip teachers and counsellors with basic skills for supporting the psychosocial well-being of children affected by conflict and emergencies.
Recurso عميم الخدمات النفس – اجتماعية العنائية والداعمة في القطاع التربوي. من خلال هذه السلسلة، تطمح المؤسسة إل ى نشر أدلة ومبادئ سهلة توجيهية الاستخدام وذات جودة عالية مستندة إلى الحقائق العلمية، ويتميز مضمون هذه السلسلة بكونه موجه نحو معالجة قضية الصحة النفس – اجتماعية. تم تحديث دلائل مختلفة خلال هذه السلسلة تستهدف مستويات متباينة من الجمهور أو المستخدم ني .
Recurso Mainstreaming Psychosocial Care and Support: Within the Education Sector and Teacher Training Guide Through this series, REPSSI strives to publish high-quality, user-friendly, evidence-based manuals and guidelines, all characterised by subject matter that can be said to address the issue of psychosocial wellbeing. Within the series, different publications are aimed at different levels of audience or user.