Recurso Self-Care Strategies for Educators During the Coronavirus Crisis: Supporting Personal Social and Emotional Well-Being This brief is addressed to educators who face the stresses of the coronavirus pandemic and the resulting school closures, online service provision, and quarantine conditions. The brief offers practical information and guidance on self-care in these challenging times.
Recurso Three Principles to Support Teacher Effectiveness during COVID-19 Given the central role teachers play in student learning, this note outlines three key principles to help governments and their development partners in supporting teacher effectiveness during and in the aftermath of COVID-19. It discusses these principles in relation to the three phases of the World Bank’s COVID-19 education policy response.
Blogue #LearningNeverStops(?): A teacher and refugee student’s reflections on Covid-19 school closures in Lebanon In a country already struggling with an economic crisis, Syrian refugee learners are experiencing many layers of crises: fleeing their homes, learning in afternoon shifts within an under-funded public school system; living through economic collapse as non-citizens without social protections; and, now facing a global pandemic.
Recurso Educator Resilience and Trauma-Informed Self-Care Self-Assessment and Planning Tool A self-care assessment with items addressing physical self-care (the body), psychological self-care (the mind), emotional self-care (emotions), relational self-care (relationships), spiritual self-care (the spirit), workplace and professional self-care (work), as well as a table to create a self-care plan to address teacher needs.
Recurso COVID-19 well-being support for Education in Emergencies practitioners This webinar, the second webinar in a series related to the COVID-19 pandemic, focused on the importance of mental health and PSS and the current well-being challenges and pressures being faced by staff
Blogue 5 priorities to promote continuity of learning in crisis-affected countries and fragile contexts during the covid-19 pandemic On this third blog post of my mini series “education in the time of coronavirus”, I reflect on 5 priorities that governments, donors, NGOs and individuals should consider to ensure continuity of learning for vulnerable, migrants, refugee and displaced young people living in developing countries and poor nations.
Evento COVID-19 well-being support for Education in Emergencies practitioners On Wednesday April 1st, INEE will host the second webinar in a series related to the COVID-19 pandemic. The webinar will focus on the importance of mental health and PSS and the current well-being challenges and pressures being faced by staff.
Blogue Reflections on Teaching in Crisis Contexts (1 of 4) - How is COVID-19 different? Part 1 of 4 of The Magic of Your Mindset for COVID-19: Reflections on Teaching in Crisis Contexts
Blogue Reflections on Teaching in Crisis Contexts (2 of 4) - In this moment, your mindset matters Part 2 of 4 of The Magic of Your Mindset for COVID-19: Reflections on Teaching in Crisis Contexts
Blogue Reflections on Teaching in Crisis Contexts (3 of 4) - Your mental health and well-being are critical in a crisis Part 3 of 4 of The Magic of Your Mindset for COVID-19: Reflections on Teaching in Crisis Contexts