Resource Global Education Monitoring Report 2024/25: Leadership in Education Entitled Lead for learning, this report argues that, in pursuing specific goals, education leaders are more than just managers. They are change agents, who need the time, trust and support to focus on setting a vision and developing the people they serve and work with. The report calls for investment in and empowerment of school and system leaders. There should be fair hiring processes and growth opportunities that recognize the full scope of leaders’ roles. Moreover, leadership works best when it is shared, empowering others to lead as they can within their roles.
Blog Apertura de las escuelas y retos a enfrentar A partir del 29 de agosto del 2022 en México estará iniciando un nuevo ciclo escolar, la mayoría de las escuelas tienen un calendario similar. Durante 10 a 11 meses se tendrá un devenir de actividades académicas para intentar llevar un ciclo escolar con actividades presenciales “en una nueva normalidad”.
Resource Práticas promissoras no Bem-estar de Professores, Gestão e Liderança Escolar De autoria de pesquisadores, profissionais e decisores políticos que trabalham na educação em situações de emergência, os 42 estudos de caso desta publicação mostram práticas promissoras no desenvolvimento profissional de professoras/es, bem-estar, gestão e liderança escolar que representam a diversidade de contextos, organizações e perfis de educadoras/es.
Resource ممارسات واعدة في رفاهية المعلم، الإدارة والقيادة المدرسية قام بتأليفه الباحثون، والممارسون، وصانعو السياسات العاملين في مجال التعليم في حالات الطوارئ، ويتم في هذا الإصدار عرض دراسات الحالة والبالغ عددها 42 للممارسات الواعدة في التطوير المهني للمعلمين والرفاهية والإدارة والقيادة المدرسية التي تمثل مجموعة متنوعة من السياقات والمنظمات وملفات تعريف المعلمين.
Resource Promising Practices in Teacher Well-being, Management, and School Leadership Authored by researchers, practitioners, and policy-makers working in education in emergencies, the 42 case studies in this publication showcase promising practices in teacher professional development, well-being, management, and school leadership that represent a diversity of contexts, organizations and teacher profiles.
Resource Docentes en Contextos de Crisis: Prácticas prometedoras en el bienestar docente, gestión y liderazgo escolar Escritos por investigadores, profesionales y legisladores que trabajan en educación en situaciones de emergencia, los 42 estudios de caso de esta publicación muestran prácticas prometedoras en el desarrollo profesional docente, el bienestar, la gestión y el liderazgo escolar que representan una diversidad de contextos, organizaciones y perfiles docentes
Resource Pratiques prometteuses dans le bien-être, la gestion du personnel enseignant et la direction d'écoles Rédigées par des chercheurs, des praticiens et des décideurs travaillant dans le domaine de l'éducation en situation d'urgence, les 42 études de cas de cette publication présentent des pratiques prometteuses en matière de développement professionnel des enseignants, de bien-être, de gestion et de direction des écoles, qui représentent une diversité de contextes, d'organisations et de profils.
Resource Increasing Women's Representation in School Leadership This evidence brief compiles emerging insights on the association between women school leaders and education outcomes. It also seeks to draw attention to the low representation of women in school leadership roles and the barriers that hinder women's access to these positions.
Event School Leadership & Governance in Crisis Contexts - sharing good practice, lessons learned and opportunities for change In this webinar, teachers and Education in Emergencies actors working across contexts such as Colombia, Kenya, and Tanzania will share their reflections on the challenges and opportunities of school leadership policies and practices in crisis contexts.
Resource Social service workers in schools: Their role in addressing violence against children and other child protection concerns This technical note broadly defines the scope of services that the social service workforce, if sufficiently resourced and supported, could provide working in or with schools. It also outlines the multi-agency child protection services in or linked to schools that governments and ministries of education should support in order to uphold children’s right to learning and protection from violence.