Resource Design Thinking We propose looking to art and design via STEAM (science, technology, engineering, ART and math) as a way of foregrounding the needs of learners today.
Resource Arts in education during COVID-19: Illustrating the value of creativity and adaptability This webinar - part of our COIVD-19 webinar series - highlighted how EiE practitioners can harness the arts to enhance the COVID-19 response.
Event Arts in education during COVID-19: Illustrating the value of creativity and adaptability This webinar will highlight how EiE practitioners can harness the arts to enhance the COVID-19 response. The discussion will focus on how art can be used to foster social emotional learning (SEL), student and school community wellbeing, while linking to other life-saving humanitarian sectors.
Resource The Rohingya Artolution: Teaching Locally Led Community-based Public Art Educators in the Largest Refugee Camp in History This research examines the learning that occurred throughout three years of teaching artist education programs with 14 Rohingya refugee and Bangladeshi women and men, through their journey to lead independent art education programs.
Resource Art Brings Light into the Darkness This is one of a series of case studies based on UNICEF-supported communication, community engagement and accountability activities as part of the humanitarian response to the Rohingya refugee crisis in Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh, from September 2017 to December 2019.
News Transforming Lives Through Artolution We all know how impactful art can be. Jordyn Rolling catches up with the people behind Artolution, an organization that is using interactive murals to transform lives.