Resource Unlocking Futures: A Global Overview of Education in Emergencies Financing This timely analysis highlights persistent challenges and untapped opportunities, offering a guide to all those working to address the chronic underfunding of education in crisis contexts. The four persistent challenges explain why EiE continues to be underfunded and not prioritised as highly as other sectors. The three opportunities point a way forward to mobilise more funding for EiE.
Resource فرصة ضائعة: توفير التعليم لليافعين المتسربين من المدرسة في حالات الطوارئ وآماكن الأزمات طويلة الأمد. في حالات الطوارئ والأزمات الممتدة، تظهر فجوة كبيرة في ميدان التعليم بالنسبة لليافعين الذين لم يلتحقوا بالمدارس. تركز دراسة NORCAP هذه على فحص نقص الفرص التعليمية المتاحة لهؤلاء الأفراد.
Resource Lost Opportunity: Education for out-of-school youth in emergency and protracted crisis settings In emergency and protracted crisis settings, there is a significant education gap for out-of-school youth. This NORCAP study focuses on the lack of educational opportunities for them.
Resource Oportunidad desaprovechada: Educación para jóvenes no escolarizados en situaciones de emergencia y crisis prolongadas El acceso a la educación en situaciones de emergencia y crisis prolongadas disminuye drásticamente a medida que aumenta la edad de una persona joven. Esta investigación se centra en aquellos que son, indiscutiblemente, los más afectados por esta situación: jóvenes no escolarizados.
Resource Occasion perdue : Éducation pour les jeunes non scolarisés dans les situations d'urgence et de crise prolongée L'accès à l'éducation en situations d'urgence et de crise prolongée diminue considérablement à mesure que l'âge du jeune augmente. Cette recherche se concentre sur ceux qui sont de loin les plus touchés par cette tendance : les jeunes non scolarisés.
Resource Financial Tracking Service (FTS) The Financial Tracking Service (FTS) is a centralized source of curated, continuously updated, fully downloadable data and information on humanitarian funding flows.
Resource International Development Statistics DAC statistics provide comprehensive data on the volume, origin and types of aid and resource flows to over 150 developing countries and territories.
Resource The Need for Climate-Smart Education Financing: A review of the evidence and new costing framework This joint report by Save the Children and GPE reviews the literature on the bidirectional relationship between the climate crisis and funding for education and presents a new tool – the Climate and Environment Intervention Matrix (CEIM) – to help governments and donors understand the cost implications of building climate-smart education systems.
Resource Pour un financement de l’éducation intégrant le climat : Examen des éléments probants et nouveau cadre d’évaluation des coûts Le présent rapport a pour vocation d’examiner la littérature portant sur la relation bidirectionnelle entre la crise climatique et le financement de l’éducation.
Resource Always Included: Uninterrupted education for children with disabilities before, during, and after a crisis Building on a number of case-studies, testimonies, data, as well as considerations from key informant’s interviews, this report illustrates how education systems need to become more inclusive for children and youth with disabilities and, at the same time, more resilient to cope with crises and to ensure education in all settings and circumstances.