Resource Three Steps to Conflict Sensitive Education Infographics A simple, graphical guide to doing conflict sensitive education work in three steps.
Resource Social and Emotional Learning Infused Programs in Adversity Contexts This paper will review the areas of SEL programs that have been proven to be effective and determine how these interventions could be best piloted and sustained in conflict-affected countries or contexts.
Resource INEE Conflict Sensitive Education Application in Kenya This presentation outlines the Kenyan Ministry of Education's efforts in integrating conflict sensitivity into education given at the INEE Working Group on Education and Fragility meeting in September-October 2013.
Resource What is Conflict Sensitive Education? This video introduces the topic of conflict sensitive education.
Resource Final Report: High-level Symposium on Conflict Sensitive Education On 8 April 2013, INEE and UNESCO’s International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP) organized a High-Level Symposium in Paris in order to bring together around 200 education stakeholders to discuss the challenges of providing quality education in conflict-affected contexts, and to offer concrete recommendations to promote the implementation of conflict-sensitive education.
Resource Paris Symposium on Conflict Sensitive Education Declaration On 8 April 2013, INEE and UNESCO’s International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP) organized a High-Level Symposium in Paris in order to bring together around 200 education stakeholders to discuss the challenges of providing quality education in conflict-affected contexts, and to offer concrete recommendations to promote the implementation of conflict-sensitive education.
Resource Simposio sobre Educación en Contextos de Fragilidad y Conflictos - Paris Un Simposio de alto nivel donde se dieron reunión alrededor de 200 actores de la educación para discutir los desafíos de una educación de calidad en contextos frágiles y afectados por conflictos, con el objetivo de ofrecer recomendaciones concretas para promover una educación sensible a las situaciones de conflictos.
Resource Simpósio de Paris sobre Educação Sensível às Questões de Conflito Simpósio de Paris sobre Educação Sensível às Questões de Conflito Cerca de 200 atores chave do sector da Educação marcaram presença no Simpósio de alto nível intitulado “Educação sensível às questões de conflitos: Porquê e Como”,organizado em conjunto pelo Instituto Internacional para o Planeamento da Educação, pela INEE e pelo seu Grupo de Trabalho para a Educação e Fragilidade.
Resource حقيبة التعليم المراعي لظروف النِّزاع من الآيني ومن أجل دعم دمج حساسية الصراع في السياسات والبرامج التعليمية في السياقات المتأثرة بالصراع والهشة، قامت الايني بتطوير سلسلة من الأدوات والوثائق الإرشادية التي تتألف من حزمة الايني للتعليم الحساس للصراع.
Resource INEE Conflict Sensitive Education Pack In order to support the integration of conflict sensitivity in education policies and programs in conflict-affected and fragile contexts, INEE has developed a series of tools and guidance documents that make up the INEE Conflict Sensitive Education Pack (CSE Pack).