Resource Guidance: Assessing and Monitoring Learning during the COVID-19 Crisis This guidance note aims to help UNICEF Education staff, Ministry officials and partners reflect on how to take account of learning through meaningful formative and summative assessment practices during the COVID-19 pandemic. It highlights general considerations and key actions that teachers, schools and Ministries of Education can undertake in the area of assessment to ensure the continuity of quality learning throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.
Resource International Social and Emotional Learning Assessment (ISELA) - Iraq The International Social and Emotional Learning Assessment (ISELA) is a cost-free, feasible, and adaptable tool that helps us understand the development of self-concept, stress management, perseverance, empathy, relationship management, and conflict resolution in children between 6-12 years.
Resource Learning and Well-Being in Emergencies: Resource Kit he toolkit contains components that include Introduction for proposal development and advocacy; Community Action for initial non-formal education or informal learning; Teacher Training to support teachers/facilitators; Learner Assessment tools, and a comprehensive Community Action component to support literacy and well-being in the immediate aftermath of a crisis.
Resource مجموعة أدوات تقييم القراءة في المراحل الدراسية األولى طلب البنك الدولي من منظمة معهد تراينجل للأبحاث في 2009 ان يطور حقيبة أو دليل المستخدم و الذي يمكن أن يكون دليلًا للدول للعمل بأداة تقييم مهارات القراءة في الصفوف الأولى في نواحي تطويع الأداة و العمل الميداني و تحليل النتائج ،وذلك بهدف تجميع الخبرات المتنوعة ووضع أسلوب مققن لتقييم اكتساب الأطفال للقراءة المبكرة.
Resource Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA) Toolkit In the interest of consolidating diverse experiences and developing a reasonably standardized approach to assessing children’s early reading acquisition, this “toolkit,” or user manual, serves as a guide for countries beginning to work with EGRA in such areas as local adaptation of the instrument, fieldwork, and analysis of results.
Resource Manual para la evaluación inicial de la lectura en niños de educación primaria El objetivo de este documento es brindar una guía práctica a los ministerios de educación y sus agencias asociadas, para que respalden la aplicación de EGRA en español. Ello no obstante, con fines ilustrativos se hará referencias ocasionales a su uso en otros idiomas.
Resource Manuel pour l'evaluation des competences fondamentales en lecture L'objectif de ce document est d'offrir des conseils pratiques aux ministères de l'éducation et à leurs agences partenaires afin de soutenir l'application d'EGRA en français. Néanmoins, à titre d'illustration, il est occasionnellement fait référence au développement d'EGRA dans d'autres langues.
Resource Early Grade Math Assessment (EGMA) Toolkit The EGMA Toolkit provides detailed information about the Early Grade Mathematics Assessment.
Resource La Evaluación de Matemáticas en los Primeros Grados (EGMA) Toolkit Este conjunto de herramientas proporciona información sobre el uso del EGMA básico.
Resource The International Development and Early Learning Assessment (IDELA) The IDELA is an easy-to-use, rigorous global tool that measures children’s early learning and development and provides ECCD programs, donors, and government partners with clear evidence on the status of children from 3.5 to 6 years.