Event Fée: Faisons École Ensemble : parents, enseignants, élèves, bénévoles, quels liens entre nous ? et comment bâtir une communauté bienveillante autour de l'École ? L'INEE participe au webinaire de Fée: Faisons École Ensemble : parents, enseignants, élèves, bénévoles, quels liens entre nous ? et comment bâtir une communauté bienveillante autour de l'École ?
News Global Pandemic: Through the Eyes of the World’s Children Some children feel safe and protected. Others are scared. And yet, many also find joy in play, and even silliness. These are children of the global pandemic.
Resource Alternative Education Beyond Accelerated Education: A Suggested Taxonomy and Program Examples During this webinar, panelists shared a suggested taxonomy and related definitions for the range of alternative education programming, followed by three case studies from Lebanon, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and the Philippines.
Event Alternative Education Beyond Accelerated Learning: A Suggested Taxonomy and Program Examples During this webinar, panelists will share a suggested taxonomy and related definitions for the range of alternative education programming, followed by three case studies from Lebanon, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and the Philippines.
Blog Adapting approaches to deliver quality education in response to COVID-19 The crisis offers an important reflection point for education leaders to question the status quo and explore new approaches for delivering quality education to millions of children.
News Gabon : les éducateur∙trice∙s soutiennent l’initiative gouvernementale pour une continuité pédagogique via l’éducation à distance S’il∙elle∙s estiment que l’initiative de plateforme XGEST pour l’éducation à distance lancée par le ministère de ‘l’Éducation vaut la peine d’être essayée en période de COVID-19, les enseignant∙e∙s émettent de fortes réserves quant au fait que tous les élèves puissent y accèder. Il∙Elle∙s insistent donc pour un réaménagement de l’année scolaire dès que la situation reviendra à la normale.
Resource Guidance for COVID-19 Prevention and Control in Schools Supplemental Content F: Accelerated Education as COVID-19 Response This document provides a brief overview of accelerated education as an important strategy to help students regain learning lost during the pandemic, as well as to integrate children and adolescents who were out of school before the pandemic.
Resource Orientación para la prevención y control del COVID-19 en las Escuelas Anexo F: Educación Acelerada como respuesta al COVID-19 Proporciona una panorámica breve de la educación acelerada como una estrategia importante para ayudar a que los estudiantes recuperen el aprendizaje perdido durante la pandemia, así como para integrar a los niños, niñas y adolescentes que estaban fuera de la escuela antes de la pandemia.
News Education is Breaking Down Cultural Barriers between Refugees and Host Nations Photojournalist Paddy Dowling travelled to Kuala Lumpur to discover the impact of a new alternative and holistic educational model being implemented in primary schools.
Resource Pathways to Resilience in Risk-Laden Environments: A Case Study of Syrian Refugee Education in Lebanon This qualitative study, which examines the experiences of Syrian refugee children who are attending a non-formal education center in Lebanon, seeks to understand the role education plays in fostering pathways to resilience in the children’s lives. Half of the students in the study had chosen to drop out of the Lebanese formal schools they attended.