Resource Teacher Wellbeing Resources Mapping & Gap Analysis This first output of the Teacher Wellbeing Toolkit comprises a tools & resources mapping and a gap analysis report, building on the existing body of work by collecting existing resources, tools, and policy or advocacy documents that address teacher wellbeing in emergency settings.
Resource Mapeo e Informe de Análisis sobre el Bienestar Docente El mapeo y el informe del análisis destaca herramientas y recursos existentes que apoyan al bienestar docente, al tiempo que proporciona un conjunto de recomendaciones para el desarrollo de futuras herramientas y recursos.
Resource Cartographie sur les outils et les ressources pour le bien-être du personnel enseignant et rapport d’analyse sur les lacunes La cartographie des Outils et ressources pour le bien-être du personnel enseignant et le rapport d'analyse des lacunes met en évidence les outils et ressources existants qui favorisent le bien-être des enseignantes et des ensiegnants, tout en proposant un ensemble de recommandations pour le futur développement de ces outils et ressources.
Resource Enabling Teachers Foundations Course Module 20: Teacher wellbeing This module provides teachers with an introduction to teacher wellbeing, enabling them to explain it's importance, identifying signs of stress and applying techniques to support their own wellbeing.
Event Talleres de consulta de la INEE sobre el bienestar docente Únase a las colaborativas INEE PSS-SEL y TiCC para aprender más sobre – y contribuir a – su trabajo en el bienestar de los docentes en situaciones de emergencia.
Event ورش عمل استشارية حول رفاهية المعلمين انضم إلى ورشة العمل الافتراضية والتي تنظمها كل من تعاونية الدعم النفسي الاجتماعي والتعلم الاجتماعي والعاطفي (PSS-SEL Collaborative) و تعاونية المعلمين وقت الأزمات (TiCC Collaborative)؛ وذلك لمعرفة المزيد عن العمل والمساهمات التي تقوم بها كلتنا التعاونيتين بهدف دعم رفاهية المعلم في حالات الطوارئ.
Event INEE Teacher Wellbeing Consultation Workshop - ENGLISH Join the INEE PSS-SEL and TiCC Collaboratives to learn more about – and contribute to – their work on teacher wellbeing in emergency settings.
Blog Teaching in complex crises: Seeking balance in selfless acts of service On July 28th and 29th the Global Education Summit will focus on financing the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) from 2021 though to 2025. This article implores that teachers - who have led at the frontlines of recent crises, yet remain down the list of education financing priorities - must be a central feature of the Summit’s commitments.
Resource Assessment of Teacher Competencies in Crisis Contexts - Afghanistan The present study has four goals: characterizing a framework for teaching competencies in crisis contexts in Afghanistan, generating valid and reliable instruments to assess this framework, assess teachers’ needs and competencies based on classroom observations and self-reports, and, Identify how contextual and individual teaching characteristics are associated with teachers’ competencies,.
Blog Maintenant disponible en 5 langues ! Étude du secteur sur le Bien-être des Enseignants Nous sommes ravis d'annoncer que l'Étude du Secteur sur le Bien-être des Enseignants dans les régions à faibles ressources, en crise et en conflit est maintenant disponible en anglais, arabe, français, espagnol et en portugais !