Resource Evaluation conjointe des besoins Education et Protection de l’enfance dans les centres de regroupement au Niger Cette évaluation a été mise en oeuvre dans les 36 écoles sélectionnées comme centres de regroupement par le Ministère de l’Education Nationale dans les régions de Diffa, Maradi, Tahoua et Tillabéri, et les communautés correspondantes.
Resource Child-focused Rapid Assessment of Humanitarian Needs This needs assessment, conducted in Herat, Ghor and Badghis, used a qualitative child-centred and participatory methodological approach, and aimed to contribute to closing the knowledge gaps and to generate highquality in-depth evidence of the situation of children’s rights and well-being in western Afghanistan.
Resource In-depth Education Needs Assessment in Hajjah governorate The Assessment developed and implemented by Abs Organization for Women & Child (ADO) intends to identify the most important education needs at the level of infrastructure, education provision capacity, and learner well-being in the governorate of Hajjah – more specifically the districts of Mustaba and Abs.
Resource Exhaustiva en profundidad de las necesidades educativas en la Gobernación de Hajjah La evaluación desarrollada e implementada por la Organización de desarrollo Abs para la mujer y el/la niño/a pretende identificar las necesidades educativas más importantes a nivel de infraestructuras, capacidad de provisión de educación y bienestar de los estudiantes en la gobernación de Hajjah, más concretamente en los distritos de Mustaba y Abs.
Resource Évaluation approfondie des besoins en éducation dans le gouvernorat de Hajjah L'évaluation développée et mise en œuvre par l’Organisation de développement Abs pour les femmes et les enfants (ADO) vise à identifier les besoins éducatifs les plus importants au niveau des infrastructures, de la capacité d'offre d'éducation et du bien-être des apprenants dans le gouvernorat de Hajjah — plus précisément les districts de Mustaba et Abs.
Resource Early Childhood Care and Development Responsiveness Local Government Unit Assessment Tool (ERLAT) The Early Childhood Care and Development Responsiveness Local Government Unit Assessment Tool (ERLAT) can be used by local governments to identify ECCD interventions during the COVID-19 pandemic, focused on enabling multi-sectoral structures and service delivery.
Resource مذكّرة ميدانية: تنفيذ إطار تقويم الحاجات الإنسانيّة لتنمية الطفولة المبكرة: الإبلاغ عن تصميم المبادرة لأجل مجتمعات الروهينغيا النّازحة في بنغلاديش يوضح المؤلفون كيم فولدز ونورين خان وسنيها سوبرامانيان وأشرفول الحق في هذه المذكّرة الميدانية كيف استقطبت ورشة Sesame السّكان المتضرّرين إلى الطاولة لتصميم وتحديد نطاق مبادرة تنمية الطفولة المبكّرة، وتقديم إطار عمل لإشراك المستفيدين في التّخطيط للبرامج الإنسانيّة.
Resource Field Note: Implementing a Humanitarian Needs Assessment Framework for Early Childhood Development: Informing Intervention Design for Displaced Rohingya Communities in Bangladesh In this Field Note, authors Kim Foulds, Naureen Khan, Sneha Subramanian, and Ashraful Haque illustrate how Sesame Workshop brought affected populations to the table to plan the design and scope of an ECD intervention and offer a framework for involving recipients in planning humanitarian programming.
Resource Cambodia COVID-19 Joint Education Needs Assessment A comprehensive, coordinated assessment of the sector to gain evidence to help identify the best approaches to inform the further development of COVID-19 response and recovery efforts; to support the development of evidence-based response policies and practices, and to inform a holistic national response and recovery plan.
Resource Investing in Learning: the Case for Strengthening the Collection and Use of Learning Assessment Data in EiE Contexts This webinar marked the launch of the INEE Policy Paper, "Investing in Learning: the Case for Strengthening the Collection and Use of Learning Assessment Data in EiE Contexts."