Technical Annex: Recommendations to Support the 2023 Overview of the Impact of Crises on Children and Their Protection

This Technical Annex accompanies The Unprotected: An Overview of the Impact of Humanitarian Crises on Children in 2023. It has been developed in collaboration with the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action’s members and partners, including consultations with child protection teams and coordination groups across 13 humanitarian crises. It includes thematic spotlights on “Children Affected by Armed Conflict” and “Children Separated from their Caregivers”, as the two top issues coming out of the consultations. It outlines three action areas for investment and prioritisation as we move into 2024: investment in the social service workforce, prioritising prevention of harm, and working across sectors and across the humanitarian system. Each thematic spotlight and action area includes specific recommendations relevant to child protection and wider actors across the humanitarian system. 

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Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action


Child Protection