Navigating Educational Development Data for EiE
This webinar was part of an INEE hosted multi-part webinar series from the USAID Middle East Education Research, Training, and Support (MEERS) program, implemented by Social Impact and FHI 360. The series titled “The 4Ws of Education in Emergencies (EiE) Data: Who has What data? Where can I find it? And Why is this so complicated?”. The other webinars in this series can be found by clicking on the links below:
- Overview of the Education in Emergencies (EiE) Data Landscape
- Navigating Humanitarian Operations Education Data for EiE
- Navigating Population Movement and Conflict Data for EiE
- Navigating Education Data for Internally Displaced Persons
The second webinar in this series focused on educational development data and its relevance to EiE. The webinar began with an introduction to the educational development data ecosystem, examining sources and availability of data. Next, the webinar provided in-depth looks into six sources of educational development data, including the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS), World Bank Education Statistics (EdStats), the Education Policy and Data Center (EPDC), national Education Management Information Systems (EMIS), International Large-Scale Learning Assessments (ILSAs), and additional UN data sources. Overviews of each source included discussions of their pros and cons for EiE practitioners with integrated navigation activities. The webinar concluded with a discussion of how these sources of educational development data can be used for EiE.