Good Practices on Gender & Gender-Based Violence Risk Mitigation Integration by Education Clusters

This brief highlights 20 good practices on Gender and GBV Risk Mitigation integration by Education Clusters throughout the Humanitarian Programme Cycle, featuring three associated country case studies - AfghanistanDemocratic Republic of Congo and Nigeria. The Learning Brief highlights initiatives led by Education Clusters or conducted through intersectoral collaboration with the Gender-Based Violence Area of Responsibility and the Gender in Humanitarian Action Working group. It provides tips on how to capitalize on enabling factors, bridge gaps, overcome challenges and adapt good practices to other contexts in collaboration with Gender and GBV experts. This work contributes to operationalizing the GEC's commitment to generating evidence and supporting the scale-up of Gender and GBV RM integration by Education Cluster coordination teams and members. 

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Education Cannot Wait (ECW), Global Education Cluster, Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)


Gender Based Violence