Blogue شريان الحياة في اليمن: دعم القطاع الخاص للتعليم اثناء الطوارئ والأزمات بسبب الحرب الدائرة في اليمن والظروف الاقتصادية الصعبة، تضرر النظام التعليمي اليمني بشكل كبير حيث توقف ملايين الأطفال اليمنيين عن الدراسة، وتعرضت العديد من المدارس الحكومية اليمنية للتدمير أو التضرر. وبشكل عام، تضررت جودة التعليم في اليمن بشدة بسبب الأوضاع الصعبة التي تشهدها البلاد.
Blogue A Lifeline in Yemen: Private Sector Support to Education in a Time of Crisis The war and weakened economy have led to the deterioration of Yemen's educational system. Millions of children have had their schooling interrupted or ended. Thousands of schools and education facilities have been damaged and destroyed. And there is a general deterioration in the quality of education that is taking place.
Recurso The Abidjan Principles The Abidjan Principles are a reference point for governments, educators and education providers when debating the respective roles and duties of states and private actors in education. They compile and unpack existing legal obligations that States have regarding the delivery of education, and in particular the role and limitations of private actors in the provision of education.