Recurso Expanding Refugee Access to National Education Systems: The State of the Evidence on Enabling Factors, Constraints, and Interventions The policy brief describes the substantive, methodological and geographic scope of existing evidence on refugee student access to national education systems (NES). It then presents findings about six global-, regional- and national-level enabling factors and constraints for refugee student access to NES.
Recurso Refugee Education: Five Years on from the Launch of the 2030 Refugee Education Strategy The 2024 UNHCR Refugee Education Report draws on data from more than 65 countries worldwide to provide the most detailed picture yet of the state of refugee education and enrolment. The report reflects on the 2030 Refugee Education Strategy (launched in 2019) and where notable progress has been made as well as areas where greater investment and enhanced collaboration are needed to meet the strategic objectives of the Strategy.
Evento ERICC Webinar Series: Refugee Inclusion in National Education Systems INEE and ERICC are pleased to invite you to a webinar on the latest evidence on refugee inclusion in national education systems. UTC
Recurso Decolonising Knowledge Production in the Field of Refugee Education: Unsettling the Ontology and Epistemology of a Nascent Field This report provides an in-depth analysis of the knowledge production landscape in the field of refugee education, critically exploring how it continues to be shaped by colonial legacies and dominated by global north (GN) perspectives.
Recurso From barriers to breakthroughs: progress in primary education for refugees This webinar launched the UNHCR global review of primary education for refugees: “From barriers to breakthroughs". It included an overview of the findings, with case studies presented by panelists from Rwanda and Bangladesh.
Recurso Policy Dialogue Tool: Inclusion of Refugees in National Education Systems This tool is intended to be used primarily by GPE Secretariat country teams but may also be useful to GPE partner countries and their education sector partners. This tool is part of GPE’s commitments to support inclusive, evidence-based policy dialogue to include refugees in education systems.
Recurso From Barriers to Breakthroughs: Progress in Primary Education for Refugees This paper explores how primary education for refugees can be improved: in terms of access, quality, finance, and policy. It explores successes achieved within different policy environments, ranging from contexts where refugee children have no access to national education systems to full inclusion where refugee children attend public schools with the same rights and financing as national children.
Evento From barriers to breakthroughs: progress in primary education for refugees This webinar will launch the UNHCR global review of primary education for refugees: “From barriers to breakthroughs". The findings are based on enablers of success, identified by a broad range of respondents, from students to global-level actors. The report explores how primary education for refugees can be improved in terms of access, quality, policy, and finance. UTC
Recurso The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Inclusion of Refugee Students in Greek Schools: Pre-Service Teachers’ Views about Distance Learning The present study aimed to investigate the perceptions of Greek pre-service teachers on refugee education during the COVID-19 pandemic. A questionnaire was addressed to 32 native university students (n = 32) who attended Education Departments in Western Macedonia in Greece.
Recurso Disaggregating Education Data by Protection Status in National Education Data Systems: UNHCR in Jordan The brief below lays out the rationale for the disaggregation of data by protection status and the need for higher education data on refugees. It then provides a brief overview of the EMIS in Jordan and HIECON, and details the specific steps that were taken in Jordan to ensure that refugees were visible in both systems. The document concludes with a series of lessons learned in both of these processes.