Recurso EiE-GenKit The EiE-GenKit is a core resource package for gender in education in emergencies. The EiE-GenKit is the first resource of its kind, providing education practitioners with practical tools to promote gender-responsive programming from crisis to peace and sustainable development.
Recurso KitGenre-ESU KitGenre-ESU consiste en un ensemble d’outils et de conseils pratiques qui vise à aider les praticiens à s’assurer que les interventions et les programmes d’Éducation en Situations d’Urgence (ESU) intègrent la notion de genre et sont inclusifs.
Recurso حزمة الجندر المتعلقة بحالات الطوارئ "حزمة الجندر المتعلقة بحالات الطوارئ" عبارة عن حزمة موارد أساسية تتعلق بالنوع الاجتماعي في مجال التعليم في حالات الطوارئ. إنه يمثل مصدرًا فريدًا حيث يوفر أدوات وموارد عملية تساعد ممارسي التعليم على تعزيز البرمجة المراعية للنوع الاجتماعي من خلال جميع مراحل الأزمة، بدءًا من الاستجابة وصولاً إلى مرحلة السلام والتنمية المستدامة.
Evento INEE Community of Practice conversation: "Teenage pregnancies and early marriage in Kenya: Girls’ perspectives on the effect on education" Through this INEE Community of Practice conversation organized by the #kenya channel, we will hear directly from NoonKopir Girls Secondary School students on how their and other students’ education has been impacted by teenage pregnancies and early marriage and get insights on their knowledge of sexual health. An open discussion between the students and participants will also be facilitated. Join us for an informal conversation with students to learn more about the Kenyan context! UTC+3
Notícias Entretien : Un nouvel arrêté nigérien protège les droits des filles à l’éducation Dans près d’un tiers des pays africains, les filles sont confrontées à d’importants obstacles à l’éducation lorsqu’elles se marient ou qu’elles tombent enceintes. Mais cette situation est en train de changer.
Recurso 2021/2 GEM Gender Report: Deepening the debate on those still left behind The 2022 Gender Report presents fresh insights on progress towards gender parity in education with respect to access, attainment and learning. It showcases the results of a new model that provide coherent estimates, combining multiple sources of information, on completion rates.
Recurso 2021/2 Informe sobre género: Profundizar en el debate sobre quienes todavía están rezagados El Informe sobre género de 2022 aporta nuevas ideas sobre los avances registrados en pos de la consecución de la paridad de género en la educación con respecto al acceso, los logros y el aprendizaje.
Recurso 2021/2 Rapport sur l'égalité des genres: Approfondir le débat sur les enfants et les jeunes encore laissés de côté Le Rapport sur l'égalité des genres 2022 présente des enseignements récents sur les progrès réalisés en matière de parité entre les genres dans l’éducation au regard de l’accès, de la réussite et de l’apprentissage.
Blogue New Online Course - Gender Responsive Education in Emergencies! The Humanitarian Leadership Academy are delighted to share a new Education in Emergencies (EiE) Online course on Kaya – Gender Responsive Education in Emergencies! This free online course was developed in partnership with Plan international and INEE is part of the EiE Online series endorsed by INEE.
Recurso Launch of JEiE Special Issue on Gender in Education in Emergencies The Journal on Education in Emergencies and INEE are pleased to share the webinar recording for the forthcoming JEiE Special Issue on Gender in EiE!