Inclusive Education Resources and Toolkit

The Inclusive Education Resources and Toolkit is a resource and reference for all staff working in education programming to mainstream inclusion in their work. The Toolkit provides recommendations and resources to strengthen inclusive education programming to enable Save the Children to achieve greater successes in the provision of high-quality ECCD and basic education as promoted by the Quality Learning Framework, also in emergency and humanitarian context. The toolkit is based on a comprehensive analysis of key gaps in existing guidance shared by practitioners globally as well as a review of international standards and resources in the field and innovative and adaptive models of inclusive education programming already in use by Save the Children and other organizations (INEE, Plan International, UNESCO, USAID, and others).

This toolkit provides a framework and practical tools primarily aimed at education practitioners who are responsible for the design, implementation, and management of programs involving an education component. These resources may be used in the phases of program design, baseline and needs assessment, and evaluations, as well as for capacity building activities. Also, the toolkit is primarily for formal education system programming, but the tools and resources may be adapted to suit accelerated or non-formal education programs. The toolkit is available in Arabic, English, French and Spanish languages. 

The Inclusive Education Resources and Toolkit composed of seven different chapters, covering the five SC Quality Learning Framework (QLF) foundations: Emotional and Psychosocial Protection, Teaching and Learning, Parents and Community, School Leadership and Management, plus Access, and Policy & Systems.

Each section is conceived as a stand-alone set of resources from which practitioners can draw on according to Inclusive Education Programming needs. Users may not need to read the entire toolkit, but only pick and use the components identified to fill the gaps in their specific contexts.

Informação sobre o Recurso

Tipo de Recurso



Publicado por

Save the Children


Inclusive Education
Levels of Learning - Early Childhood Development