
Accelerated Education Programming: Experiences from Uganda

Entidade organizadora:
Accelerated Education Working Group (AEWG)
Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)
Save the Children
27 Dezembro 2024 ()
Accelerated Education Program (AEP)

9:00 am - 10:00 am Tuesday, Jun 11 2019 (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

INEE is excited to host an interactive webinar with Save the Children and the Accelerated Education Working Group titled "Accelerated Education Programming: Experiences from Uganda." This webinar draws upon learning from Save the Children’s extensive consultations with Accelerated Education Program (AEP) students, their parents, teacher and headteachers, and other stakeholders to understand their experiences and views of AEP, in order to increase understanding of the factors that support or hinder transition between AEP cycles and post-AEP opportunities.Save the Children Accelerated Education Program Cover Page

The webinar will run for one hour, and include the following topics:

  • An introduction to Accelerated Education;
  • Global challenges facing AEPs;
  • Background to the study in Uganda;
  • Key challenges identified in the study, including eligibility, the role of the teacher, and language issues. 

There will be time for Q&A and open discussion. 


Lindsey Hall is an Education specialist, and currently provides technical education support to Save the Children Uganda’s humanitarian and development education programs.

Leo Okettayot is currently the Education Specialist for two Education Consortia (Education Cannot Wait and ECHO INCLUDE) that are led by Save the Children–Uganda Country Program.

Martha Hewison is currently an Education Adviser for UNHCR and also chairs the Accelerated Education Working Group (AEWG).  

Jessica Oddy is Research and Learning EiE Advisor at Save the Children UK and a research focal point for Save the Children’s Education in Emergencies (EiE) working group.


Click here to watch the Webinar Recording and download the Presentation Slides