Implementing the Right to Education in Areas of Armed Conflict

In the new vision of world development that is beginning to emerge in the 1990s, knowledge, human ingenuity, imagination and goodwill are the only resources that finally matter. No lasting progress, it is realized, can be made towards peace and respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms without them. Throughout the world, people are looking to education to pave the way for a more just and humane social order, on the grounds that quality education instills in the young crucial humanitarian values such as equity, tolerance and peace. Progress in education is also taken to be essential for sustainable development, environmental protection, improvement in maternal and child health and participation in democratic social and political processes. Education is, according to the World Bank, the single most important contributor to national economic growth.

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Publicado por

University of Oxford

Criado por

Jo Boyden, Paul Ryder


Human Rights and Children's Rights