Morocco Earthquake Response Resources
Publicado por
Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)
Child Wellbeing
Teacher Wellbeing
Humanitarian Sectors - Education
Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS)
Zona geográfica de enfoque
The following resources support the provision of education and the psychosocial support and wellbeing of learners, teachers, and those who have been affected by the earthquake in Morocco. This list will be continually updated.
For information on the humanitarian response in affected areas, visit ReliefWeb. To suggest resources for this crisis, or to request a customized list of resources relevant to another crisis, contact [email protected]. For EiE technical support, submit an INEE Help Desk request here.
- Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action Arabic, English, French
- INEE Minimum Standards for Education: Preparedness, Response, Recovery Arabic, English, French
- Comprehensive School Safety Framework 2022-2030 English, French
Caregivers and Parents
- Caregiver Resources for Earthquake Response Arabic, English
- Parent Tips for Helping Children After Disasters Arabic, English
- Comment rester en sécurité en cas de tremblement de terre French
- Que faire avant, pendant et après un tremblement de terre French
Child Protection
- Supporting Integrated Child Protection and Education Programming in Humanitarian Action Arabic, English, French
- Communicating with Children About Death and Helping Children Cope with Grief English
- After the Earthquake: Helping Young Children Heal Arabic, English
- CPHA Frontliner Getting Started Learning Package Arabic, English, French
- Operational Guidance for Child Friendly Spaces in Humanitarian Settings Arabic, English
- Les espaces amis des enfants en situations d’urgence French
- Guide pratique pour la mise en place d’espaces amis des enfants French
- Global Convening on the Türkiye & Syria Earthquake: Lessons Learned from Previous Earthquakes English
- Unaccompanied and Separated Children Information Sheet English
- CPMS Standard 7: Dangers and Injuries English
Mental Health, Psychosocial Support, and Wellbeing
- INEE Guidance Note on Psychosocial Support Arabic, English, French
- INEE Guidance Note for Teacher Wellbeing in Emergency Settings Arabic, English, French
- PSS-SEL Distance Education Resources for Teachers Arabic, English, French
- Psychological First Aid: Dealing with Traumatic Responses in Children Arabic, English
- Brève introduction aux Premiers Secours Psychologiques French
- Guide des premiers soins psychologiques French
- Formation en Premiers Secours Psychologiques Manuel à l’intention des professionnels travaillant avec des enfants French
Early Childhood Development
- INEE Guidance Note on Gender Arabic, English, French
- EiE-GenKit Arabic, English
School Construction and Safety
- Construction Good Practice Standards Arabic, English, French
- Towards Safer School Construction: A community-based approach English