How We Work

To achieve the goal of enabling quality, safe, and relevant education for all in emergencies and crisis contexts, INEE works through various network spaces and initiatives described below. 


Composed of INEE members and have a focus on specific thematic areas. 

Country Focal Points

Key reference persons at country level, tasked to support networking and communication, particularly through the facilitation of information exchange among INEE members. The CFPs have a wide range of backgrounds and areas of expertise, and have demonstrated a commitment to education in emergencies work, and to promoting the values, priorities, and activities of INEE.


Guided by Strategic Priority 3: to provide, curate, and organize knowledge to inform policy and practice, INEE works to strengthen the EiE evidence base and disseminate knowledge through a variety of initiatives, including:

Journal on Education in Emergencies

The JEiE publishes groundbreaking and outstanding scholarly and practitioner work on EiE, defined broadly as quality learning opportunities for all ages in situations of crisis, including early childhood development, primary, secondary, non-formal, technical, vocational, higher and adult education.

Language Communities

Groups that seek to expand and share access to resources, tools, and experience in non-English working languages, namely Arabic, French, Portuguese, and Spanish.

Reference Groups

Convened for specific topics needing expert input or guidance.

Task Teams

Semi-formal structures that allow individual members to work collectively on specific areas of interest, advocating for key thematic issues and collaboratively developing tools and resources.

Thematic Areas

Areas of work on key EiE thematic topics through network spaces and specific projects

Working Groups*

Formalized structures which help develop and promote specific work within INEE. Participation in Working Groups is on an institutional basis with individual representatives for each agency.

*The 2018-2021 INEE Working Groups have concluded their work as of May 2021. A consultation and review of a new structure of INEE network spaces is in process and will soon be shared with INEE members.

Participation in INEE activities is entirely voluntary. INEE does not compensate members for their time, nor does it reimburse organizations for their contributions.