Ressource Delivering on our Ambition to Advance Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women and Girls It is a strategic document for ECW Secretariat staff and First Emergency Response and Multi-year Resilience Programmes (MYRP) partners to design, implement, monitor and evaluate gender-equitable investments. It provides minimum standards for gender-responsive First Emergency Responses and gender-transformative MYRP investments and for gender integration across ECW's thematic priorities.
Ressource Guidance Note on Using Implementation Research in Education The purpose of this document is to provide guidance and support to the implementers of education interventions, partner governments, and funders of education reform as they consider research priorities and learning agendas to achieve SDG 4.
Ressource Guidance for COVID-19 Prevention and Control in Schools Annex B: Contextualization, Dissemination & Implementation This document provides the necessary guidelines to develop dissemination approaches based on local capacities and the efficiency of the systems, as well as for the dissemination and implementation of the guidelines / protocols, and the effective monitoring and evaluation of efforts.
Ressource Orientación para la prevención y control del COVID-19 en las Escuelas Anexo B: Contextualización, difusión e implementación El documento brinda las orientaciones necesarias para desarrollar enfoques de difusión a partir de capacidades locales y la eficiencia de los sistemas, así como para la difusión e implementación de las guías/protocolos, y el monitoreo y evaluación efectiva de los esfuerzos.
Ressource EiE Best Practice Guide Part 1: WHAT EiE is, WHY we do it, and what GUIDES us This Guide is Part 1 of this Toolkit, and focuses on providing key information on the theory of EiE – what it is, why we do it and when we do it – as well as topline information on PIN’s approach to EiE and practical guidance on how to improve the quality of education programming through key cross-cutting themes.
Ressource EiE Best Practice Guide Part 2: Planning, Implementing and Monitoring an EiE Response This Guide is Part 2 of the Toolkit; it walks you through the step-by-step process of setting up an EiE response, from understanding the education needs to deciding the types of activities to include and the best practices for delivering these activities in a quality way.
Ressource The Cost and Benefits of Education in Iraq Looking at Iraq Centre and the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI), this report aims to update the education situation, quantify the economic benefits of education, and identify sources of inefficiencies as well as key priority themes in the education sector with clear links to the National Education Strategy 2011-2020.
Ressource Embracing Ceremonial Authority: Coordinating Education in Emergencies through the Education Cluster – illustrated by the cases of Mali and Nigeria This study, informed by various sociological neo-institutional approaches, investigates whether a global mechanism such as the cluster approach represents an adequate framework to structuring humanitarian response.
Ressource Emerging Practices in Design, Monitoring, and Evaluation for Education for Peacebuilding Programming This practical guide focuses on key elements of program DM&E for education interventions with peacebuilding aims in fragile environments. It presents critical information, practical tips, resources and tools for all stages in program cycles, and emerging practices and lessons learned from the field, including those arising from the UNICEF Learning for Peace programme.
Ressource Translating Global Education Standards to Local Contexts Global standards such as the Education in Emergencies Minimum Standards need to be applied locally and this requires a thoughtful and committed contextualisation process.