Examples of ECDiE in Practice

This document provides an introduction to types of early childhood development (ECD) in emergency settings (ECDiE) programs implemented around the world. By no means a comprehensive list, it offers a snapshot of program categories to introduce those not familiar with ECDiE interventions to types of programs that can encourage ECD in humanitarian settings as well as concrete examples of each. We hope this resource can answer the question, “What do ECD programs look like in humanitarian settings?” across a spectrum of complexity and for both caregiver- and child-facing programs. The examples we have chosen come from crisis settings where possible, but sometimes come from non-crisis settings as well. In these cases, we chose examples of programs that we believe would be feasible to adapt and implement in humanitarian and low-resource settings. In addition to the categories of programs included, many additional types of ECD interventions are deeply embedded in one particular sector (such as health or education). We did not include these types of interventions in the following pages in order to focus on holistic, cross-sectoral ECD programs.

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Sesame Workshop


Levels of Learning - Early Childhood Development

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