Financing Education in the MEESA Region

Plan International commissioned this study to assess the extent to which Education Sector budgets are adequate, gender-responsive and inclusive and to analyse education budget trends between 2019 and 2021. The study aimed to generate concrete evidence regarding trends in education sector budget allocations and expenditure to support advocacy for adequate expenditure on quality, inclusive and gender-responsive public education service provision and achievement of SDG 4. Furthermore, due to the recent pandemic, the study aimed to examine the implications of COVID-19 on education sector spending. Specifically, the study sought to: (i) analyse allocations (and expenditure) to the education sector with a particular focus on initiatives aimed at supporting the provision of gender-responsive and disability-inclusive education in line with the country policies; (ii) assess the efficiency of resource allocation and use against planned expenditure; and (ii) recommend effective strategies for CSOs and citizens to advocate for education budget increase to or above 20% of the national budget and 6% of GDP.

Information sur les Ressources

Type de ressource



Publié par

Plan International


Education Financing
Education Sector Planning
Inclusive Education

Zone géographique d'intérêt

Region: East Africa
Region: Middle East
Region: Southern Africa