Recurso Protecting Education from Attack in the Context of Climate Change This briefing paper argues that the risks and impacts of climate change are critical to consider within any effort to prevent, mitigate, or respond to attacks on education. In the face of these converging crises, states should act urgently to protect education in the context of climate change.
Recurso Education: a powerhouse for driving climate ambition A staggering 400 million students globally experienced school closures from extreme weather since 2022, with climate change disproportionately impacting those boys and girls who are displaced or affected by conflicts, violence and other humanitarian crises. The challenge is clear, and so are many of the solutions. Specific actions to undertake are set out here.
Recurso The intersections between climate change and gender equality and sexual and reproductive health and rights This report presents a desk study and analysis of relevant literature specific to prioritised themes in the climate change and gender equality and climate change and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights intersection. The purpose of the desk study is to establish the evidence base, identify knowledge gaps, trends and promising practices, with the view to inform policy and programming in the intersection.
Recurso The intersection between climate change and education This report presents a desk study and analysis of relevant literature specific to prioritised themes at the intersection of climate change and education, focusing on basic education in low-income countries. The purpose of the desk study is to establish the evidence base, identify knowledge gaps, trends and promising practices, with the view to inform policy and programming in the intersection between education and climate change.
Recurso Guia Sobre Educação em Situação de Emergências Climáticas O material busca orientar as comunidades escolares, as famílias e os profissionais da educação sobre como atuar coletivamente pela garantia do direito à educação em contextos extremos oriundos das mudanças climáticas.
Recurso El Impacto del cambio climático en la educación y que se puede hacer al respecto En este documento se exponen cuatro formas concretas en que los gobiernos pueden proteger los sistemas educativos del cambio climático para que se mantengan y potencien sus efectos positivos en el desarrollo económico, la mitigación de la pobreza y la cohesión social.
Recurso The Impact of Climate Change on Education and What to do about it This paper lays out four concrete ways in which governments can protect education systems from climate change so that their positive impacts on economic development, poverty alleviation, and social cohesion can be sustained and boosted.
Recurso Impact du changement climatique sur l’éducation et mesure à prendre pour y remédier Ce document présente quatre moyens concrets par lesquels les gouvernements peuvent protéger les systèmes éducatifs du changement climatique afin que leurs effets positifs sur le développement économique, la réduction de la pauvreté et la cohésion sociale puissent être maintenus et renforcés.
Blog (مصدر جديد) تعزيز رعاية الطفولة المبكرة والتعليم حالات الطوارئ المستجيبة للمناخ والطقس يتناول الملخص الجديد من شبكة التعليم في حالات الطوارئ الفجوة في الأدبيات المتعلقة بالتغير المناخي والتعليم، وتحديدًا فيما يتعلق بالأطفال الصغار الذين يتأثرون بالأزمات. يسلط الملخص الضوء على أهمية التداخل في مجالات الرعاية والتعليم في مرحلة الطفولة المبكرة، ويقدم حلاً يمكن أن يسهم في تحقيق أهداف أوسع للتكيف والتخفيف من تأثيرات التغير المناخي.
Blog [NEW RESOURCE] Climate-sensitive Early Childhood Care and Education Brief A new INEE brief addresses a gap in climate change and education literature: young children who are affected by crises. It outlines multi-sectoral early childhood care and education (ECCE) interventions that can serve as solutions to broader climate change mitigation and adaptation goals.