Recurso Comprehensive School Safety: Awareness, Advocacy, Action INEE and GADRRRES held a webinar on protecting and empowering learners, educators, and the systems that support them.
Evento Comprehensive School Safety: Awareness, Advocacy, Action INEE and GADRRRES are hosting a webinar on protecting and empowering learners, educators, and the systems that support them. This webinar will be held twice to accommodate a variety of time zones. UTC
Evento Comprehensive School Safety: Awareness, Advocacy, Action INEE and GADRRRES are hosting a webinar on protecting and empowering learners, educators, and the systems that support them. This webinar will be held twice to accommodate a variety of time zones. UTC
Recurso Multi-criteria decision analysis for site classification: Assessing natural hazard risks for planning the location of educational facilities This technical note proposes a two-part geospatial methodology for assessing risks related to natural hazards and the interaction between these and other factors (including local norms and laws on education), in order to better plan the location of schools using multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) techniques.
Blog What are the links between education in emergencies and explosive ordnance risk education? Linking education in emergencies (EiE) and explosive ordnance risk education (EORE) presents a crucial perspective on the challenges faced by millions of people living under the threat of explosive ordnance in emergencies and conflict-affected regions. Read the blog to learn more about interconnectedness of EiE and EORE.
Recurso Template: School Emergency Drills & Exercises: Quality Checklist and Evaluation Forms The goal of school drills is to ensure the safety of every student, staff, or visitor, in the event of a disaster or emergency, and where possible to safeguard school property.
Recurso Comprehensive School Safety Operational Guidance GADRRRES members have compiled an CSS Operational Guidance Catalogue, and a series of Best Practice guides, Case Studies, and Templates to support implementation of the CSS Framework, and CSS Targets and Indicators
Recurso Template: Regular and Planned School Maintenance Checklists These checklists are intended for education authorities as a template for their own guidance material for use in schools, nationally.
Recurso School Safety First: how adapted education information systems are playing a key role towards ensuring school safety in the Philippines This case study explores the critical components and lessons learned from the effective implementation of the Comprehensive School Safety Assessment Suite (CSSAS) in the Philippines since 2021 that has contributed to improving disaster response, comprehensive school safety, and ultimately strengthened the resilience of the education system.
Recurso Nota de campo # 2. Para una nueva forma de trabajar en Venezuela Este recurso es el resultado del consenso y estrategias intersectoriales con base en el bienestar integral de NNA y la escuela como centro de operaciones conjuntas. Este recurso concibe el fortalecimiento de las escuelas como espacio seguro, espacio protector y saludable, espacio para aprender y un espacio para fortalecer la resiliencia comunitaria y recuperación del país hacia el desarrollo sostenible