Blog Compartiendo experiencias en Colombia: retos y oportunidades de acceso a opciones de calidad educativa para los jóvenes en la localidad rural de Guasca, Cundinamarca Este blog resume el Encuentro Temático del INEE realizado en Guasca, Cundinamarca, Colombia, que consistió un taller con niñas y adolescentes en proceso de restauración de derechos. Explora sus perspectivas sobre los desafíos y oportunidades para acceder a una educación de calidad en Colombia.
Blog Sharing Experiences in Colombia: Challenges and Opportunities for Access to Quality Educational Options for Youth in the Rural Area of Guasca, Cundinamarca This blog summarizes the INEE Thematic Meet-up held in Guasca, Cundinamarca, Colombia, which included a workshop with girls and adolescents undergoing rights restoration. It explores their perspectives on the challenges and opportunities for accessing quality education in Colombia.
Recurso Global education monitoring report 2024, gender report: technology on her terms The 2024 Gender Report tells the increasingly positive story of girls’ education access, attainment and achievement, which is helping reverse decades of discrimination. But there is much more to say on gender equality in and through education. A companion to the 2023 GEM Report, this report looks at the interaction between education and technology with a gender lens.
Blog Attaques sexospécifiques contre l’éducation dans les conflits armés En 2022-2023, la Coalition mondiale pour la protection de l'éducation contre les attaques (GCPEA) a recueilli des exemples d'attaques sexospéciffique contre l'éducation dans les conflits armés, notamment l'enlèvement de filles sur le chemin de l'école au Yémen, l'utilisation d'engins explosifs improvisés dans un collège de filles au Pakistan, la prise d'assaut de dortoirs universitaires féminins au Soudan, et de nombreux exemples d'actes de violence sexuelle contre des filles sur le chemin de l'école au Cameroun, au Sud-Soudan et ailleurs.
Blog Gender-Based Attacks on Education in Armed Conflict In 2022-2023, the Global Coalition to Protect Education from Attack (GCPEA) collected examples of gender-based attacks on education in armed conflict including the abduction of girls on their way to school in Yemen, the use of improvised explosive devices on a girls' middle school in Pakistan, the raiding of women's university dormitories in Sudan, and numerous examples of acts of sexual violence against girls on the way to school in Cameroon, South Sudan, and beyond
Blog الإعتداءات على التعليم القائمة على النوع الإجتماعي في سياقات الأزمات المسلحة في عامي 2022-2023، جمع التحالف العالمي لحماية التعليم من الهجمات حالات الاعتداء على التعليم في النزاعات المسلحة على أساس النوع الاجتماعي. تشمل هذه الأمثلة اختطاف الفتيات أثناء توجههن إلى المدرسة في اليمن، واستخدام العبوات الناسفة في مدرسة اعدادية للفتيات في الباكستان، ومداهمة مهاجع جامعية خاصة بالنساء في السودان، بالإضافة إلى العديد من أعمال العنف الجنسي ضد الفتيات أثناء توجههن إلى المدرسة في الكاميرون، جنوب السودان، ودول أخرى.
Recurso The intersections between climate change and gender equality and sexual and reproductive health and rights This report presents a desk study and analysis of relevant literature specific to prioritised themes in the climate change and gender equality and climate change and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights intersection. The purpose of the desk study is to establish the evidence base, identify knowledge gaps, trends and promising practices, with the view to inform policy and programming in the intersection.
Evento Acil Durumlarda Eğitimde Toplumsal Cinsiyet Rehberi Artık Türkçe! Acil Durumlarda Eğitimde Toplumsal Cinsiyet Rehberi, İngilizce, Arapça ve Fransızca’nın ardından artık Türkçe! Sizi rehberi ve rehberin Uçan Süpürge Kadın ve İletişim Araştırmaları Derneği tarafından hazırlanan Kullanma Kılavuzu’nun konuşulacağı, Acil Durumda Eğitim İçin Uluslararası Ağ (INEE) ve Türkiye Yerel STK İnsani Forumu (TİF) ev sahipliğindeki lansman etkinliğine davet ediyoruz. UTC
Recurso Laws On Us: A Global Overview of Legal Progress and Backtracking on Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, Gender Expression, and Sex Characteristics “Laws on Us” is the new landmark report by ILGA World, mapping laws affecting LGBTI communities across the world.
Recurso Good Practices on Gender and GBV Risk Mitigation Integration across the Humanitarian Programme Cycle phases by Education Clusters: Afghanistan This Case Study highlights measures taken by the Education Cluster in Afghanistan to ensure continuity of education for girls in the face of overwhelming challenges.