Recurso Expanding Refugee Access to National Education Systems: The State of the Evidence on Enabling Factors, Constraints, and Interventions The policy brief describes the substantive, methodological and geographic scope of existing evidence on refugee student access to national education systems (NES). It then presents findings about six global-, regional- and national-level enabling factors and constraints for refugee student access to NES.
Recurso The Politics and (incoherence) of education in Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh This policy brief draws from the findings of a longer ERICC working paper, which explored the drivers and outcomes of dissonance between official intentions for cross-sectoral coordination, also referred to as the ‘humanitarian-development nexus’, and the default operations of the Education Sector.
Recurso Steering through Storms: Five Recommendations for Education Leaders to Close the Learning Gap in Times of Crisis This High-Level Policy Guidance provides evidence-based actionable recommendations for education leaders who want to initiate AEPs, strengthen or expand existing AEPs or enhance the cohesion and oversight of diverse AEPs in their country. With insights from many countries, this Guidance provides a roadmap for policy actions, concrete policy examples and country case studies. Its lessons can be applied globally.
Recurso Towards evidence-based policy-making for refugee education This report aims to contribute to an emerging landscape on refugee inclusion in national education systems by exploring the relationship between policy and data within a broader narrative of inclusion, from arrival in the host country to the achievement of durable solutions
Recurso Including Refugee Learners in National Education Systems This report discusses how the inclusion of refugees in national education systems is understood, and how it can be achieved.
Evento Symposium Éducation en situations d'urgence - Collaborer pour un changement durable Le symposium vise à réunir des universitaires, des humanitaires praticiens, des Oralisations Non Gouvernementaux Nationaux et Internationaux, la société civile, etc., pour accélérer la réalisation de l'ODD 4 Éducation, compte tenu de la complexité du système humanitaire, de la nécessité de mieux travailler ensemble (avec les gouvernements, entre les secteurs, avec la population touchée, avec les partenaires du développement...), et du rôle de l'éducation dans la conduite et le soutien de cette approche plus holistique. UTC
Recurso Who Really Cares about Using Education Research in Policy and Practice? This second report of the project explores how a culture of research engagement can be created and nurtured. It brings together leading experts who provide insights into cutting-edge research in the field and international experience gathered from both education policy and practice. In addition, the report provides further analyses of data collected from over 30 systems through an OECD policy survey.
Recurso ERICC Inception Report The Education Research in Conflict and Protracted Crisis (ERICC) Research Programme Consortium is a global research and learning partnership that strives to transform education policy and practice in conflict and protracted crisis around the world, through building a global hub for rigorous, context-relevant and actionable evidence base.
Recurso Políticas digitales en educación en América Latina La presente publicación, que parte de la colección Tendencias emergentes y perspectivas de futuro, recopila y analiza comparativamente las principales respuestas TIC en educación desplegadas a nivel nacional por un grupo de países de América Latina (Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, México y Uruguay) en el contexto de la crisis provocada por la pandemia de la COVID-19.
Recurso Strengthening Ministry of Education engagement and leadership in rapid education in emergency response This policy brief draws on country consultations, focus group discussions with education stakeholders, and key documents integrated into the GEC’s Rapid Response Mechanism (RRM) toolkit to provide a set of practical recommendations to enhance education authorities’ engagement and leadership in RRM and rapid EiE response at national, subnational, and local levels.