Recurso Children and Disaster Risk Reduction: Taking Stock and Moving Forward This report reviews child-focused and child-led disaster risk reduction approaches and techniques. It documents a number of case studies across a range of interventions, dividing these into three main areas: Knowledge, Voice and Action. It makes some observations regarding current practice and recommendations that imply a shift in emphasis going forward.
Recurso The Six Grave Violations against Children during Armed Conflict: The Legal Foundation The six grave violations against children during times of conflict, enumerated by the Security Council in its resolutions, form the basis of the Council's architecture in protecting children during war. This Working Paper attempts to analyse the six grave violations more deeply, exploring their basis in international law.
Recurso التعليم للجميع على الرغم من التحديات والعوائق التي يلقيها المتعلمين النازحون من ذوي الإعاقة، والحاجة الواضحة للمزيد من الموارد الإنسانية والمالية تظهر إمكانية التعليم الدمجي في أوقات الأزمات
Recurso Dreams Deferred: Educational and Skills-building Needs and Opportunities for Youth in Liberia As part of a global, multi-year research and advocacy project focused on strengthening educational and job training programs for displaced, conflict-affected young people, the Women’s Refugee Commission undertook a field mission to the Republic of Liberia to look at young people’s education and skills-building needs and opportunities.
Recurso Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health Toolkit for Humanitarian Settings The ASRH Toolkit for Humanitarian Settings provides information and guidance to advocate for ASRH and implement adolescent-inclusive SRH interventions
Recurso Herramientas de Salud Sexual y Reproductiva para Adolescentes en Contextos Humanitarios El objetivo de este kit de herramientas es orientar a los gerentes de programas humanitarios y proveedores de atención médica a garantizar que las intervenciones de salud sexual y reproductiva implementadas durante y después de una crisis aborden las necesidades únicas de los adolescentes.
Recurso الصـحــة الجنسـيـة واالنجـابيــة للمراھقين حزمة ادوات لألوضاع االنسانية تقدم حزمة ادوات الصحة الجنسية واالنجابية للمراھقين لالستخدام في الظروف االنسانية معلومات وتوجيھѧات لمناصѧرة الصѧحة الجنسية واالنجابية للمراھقين ولتنفيذ تداخالت الصحة الجنسية واالنجابية التي تشمل المراھقين.
Recurso Boîte à outils pour la santé sexuelle et reproductive des adolescents en situations de crise humanitaire Cette boîte à outils est destinée à guider les responsables de programmes humanitaires et les prestataires de soins de santé afin de garantir que les interventions en matière de santé sexuelle et reproductive mises en place pendant et après une crise répondent aux besoins uniques des adolescents.
Recurso Rethinking School Feeding: Social Safety Nets, Child Development, and the Education Sector The overall objective is to provide guidance on how to develop and implement effective school feeding programs, in the context of both a productive safety net, as part of the response to the social shocks of the current global crises, as well as a fiscally sustainable investment in human capital as part of long-term global efforts to achieve Education for All and provide social protection for the poor.
Recurso Reconstruction after Violence: How Teachers and Schools can Deal with the Legacy of the Past This case study illustrates the role of schools and teachers in post-conflict reconciliation and transitional justice. It uses the case of Northern Ireland to illustrate the point and discusses the work of Facing History and Ourselves.