Recurso Bangkit Semangat—Raise the Spirits: Teachers’ Vulnerability, Resilience, and Voice in Postdisaster Indonesia Drawing from ethnographic research on teachers in post-earthquake Indonesia, Christopher Henderson relates how global-level actors often miss the opportunity to engage meaningfully with teachers’ agency, self-concept, and resilience in humanitarian response guidance and policymaking.
Recurso Evaluation conjointe des besoins en matière d’Education et Protection de l’enfance au Burkina Faso Cette évaluation conjointe dont l’objectif est d’améliorer la compréhension commune de l'impact de la crise sur les besoins en matière d’éducation et de protection de l’enfance, permettant (i) la priorisation des zones géographiques d’intervention et la (ii) production de recommandations pour des stratégies et décisions opérationnelles informées.
Recurso Joint Education and Child Protection Needs Assessment The objective of this joint assessment is to improve the common understanding of the impact of the crisis on education and child protection needs to enable 1) the prioritization of geographic areas of intervention, and 2) the formulation of recommendations to inform operational strategies and decisions.
Recurso Education & Child Protection: A Review of Good Practice on Inter-Sectoral Collaboration Several efforts are underway to determine and document the processes through which collaboration between Education in Emergencies and Child Protection actors can take place. This evidence review aims to add value to ongoing global efforts and inform the current discourse by extracting lessons from country- and local-level practice across diverse contexts.
Recurso Humanitarian Action Humanitarian Action provides a comprehensive overview of the humanitarian landscape by providing both an annual snapshot complemented by analysis, and live data on on humanitarian crises and response.
Recurso Standards for Supporting Crop-relaled Livelihoods in Emergencies The SEADS handbook provides international principles and minimum standards that support people responding to a humanitarian crisis to design, implement, and evaluate crop-related crisis responses.
Recurso Can You Hear the Subaltern Speak? Bhavani’s episode explores the meaning of colonization and decolonization in international development and education. We might think we know what colonization is. The history. The actors involved. The exploitation. But what does it feel like? And then what would it mean to decolonize? And what would that feel like?
Recurso Is ‘decolonised aid’ an oxymoron? On the latest episode of Rethinking Humanitarianism, host Heba Aly discusses these tensions with one of the leaders of the movement to decolonise aid, Degan Ali, executive director of Adeso.
Recurso Essential actions on disability-inclusive humanitarian action checklist This checklist provides a package of essential actions required to ensure disability-inclusive humanitarian action in line with the IASC guideline, CCCs, UNICEF Emergency Procedures, and guidance. It is a companion to UNICEF’s Guidance on including children with disabilities in humanitarian action.
Noticias The ‘Ukraine effect’ on the world’s poorest and most vulnerable The war in Ukraine will have catastrophic ripple effects on people in the poorest and most conflict-ridden corners of the world.