The Right of Children with Disability to Education

The Right of Children with Disabilities to Education: A Rights-Based Approach to Inclusive Education proposes a conceptual framework on the very specific issues that affect the inclusion of children with disabilities in Central Eastern Europe and Commonwealth of Independent States (CEECIS ). This paper builds on existing frameworks (Salamanca Statement, UNCRC and UNCRPD) and provides definitions of key concepts – starting with the definition of Inclusive Education – using a human rights approach. It describes the challenges encountered by children with disabilities in CEECIS to get access to education and more importantly, it provides a menu of policies and strategies that need to be put in place and implemented by a range of stakeholders (government, municipalities, non-state actors including parents and civil society...) in order to realize the right of each and every child with a disability to quality education.

Información sobre el recurso

Tipo de recurso

Advocacy Statement


Publicado por

United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)


Inclusive Education - Disability