Disability-Inclusive EiE Resources Mapping and Gap Analysis

The document maps existing work on inclusive education and disability-inclusive education in emergencies by collecting existing tools, frameworks, policy and advocacy resources, and more, and presenting them in a repository of resources. The gap analysis report captures the findings from the resource mapping and the survey conducted with INEE members. The report presents a set of 12 recommendations that aim to guide the next phase of the project. Following the mapping and gap analysis, and based on the findings and recommendations, INEE and its IEWG created resources on disability-inclusive education in emergencies and crisis-affected contexts through a socio-ecological lens in consultation with EiE stakeholders.

The gap analysis report is divided into different chapters. It includes a chapter on the methodology, a chapter on the results of the mapping, a chapter on a summary of key findings and gaps, and lastly, a chapter that presents a set of 12 recommendations.


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Información sobre el recurso

Mapping Cover

Tipo de recurso



Publicado por

Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)


Inclusive Education
Inclusive Education - Disability
Research and Evidence