2017-2021 E-Cubed Research Envelope


In 2016, at the World Humanitarian Summit, Dubai Cares committed at least 10% of all its funding for education in emergencies to research. This research envelope titled, Evidence for Education in Emergencies (E-Cubed), aimed to fund rigorous research geared to inform the policies and practices of international and national decision-makers, implementing agencies, and other local stakeholders involved in education in emergencies. Dubai Cares also prioritized research partnerships through this envelope with the hope of fostering effective cooperation amongst different actors within EiE, thereby ensuring that research is both relevant and actionable. 

The E-Cubed research envelope contained $10 million USD, dispersed between 2017-2020. Each year a new call for proposals was announced with a funding pool of roughly $2 million USD.

Dubai Cares partnered with INEE in 2017 to help design and facilitate pre-award processes. INEE coordinated the pre-award proposal submission and review processes, while Dubai Cares selected proposals to fund and managed all post-award grants. For more information, please see E-Cubed Frequently Asked Questions.

There are currently no open calls for proposals. See here for information on past calls for proposals. 

E-Cubed Grantees 

Check out this page for a summary of E-Cubed Research Grants from 2017-2020. As research outcomes and products become available, INEE will continue to disseminate and curate resources with the aim that evidence produced through this fund is shared widely to inform policy and practice. To learn more about the type of proposals that were welcomed through E-Cubed, please see the analytics on E-Cubed proposals received between 2017-2020 and the INEE COVID-19 Survey on Evidence Gaps

INEE-Dubai Cares Partnership

Dubai Cares logo

This partnership aligned with INEE’s strategic priority to provide, curate, and organize knowledge to inform policy and practice. INEE’s role in this partnership was to coordinate pre-award proposal submission and review processes, while Dubai Cares selected proposals to fund and managed all post-award grants. To ensure rigorous and unbiased review, INEE convened an independent Advisory Panel made up of policymakers, academics, and practitioners who reviewed proposals in an anonymous process. Out of this review process, a small group of proposals were shortlisted annually based on their overall score and recommendations from the advisory panelists. Shortlisted proposals were then shared with Dubai Cares who made all funding decisions. Once funding decisions were announced, Dubai Cares managed all post-award processes, including the disbursement of funds and management of ongoing grants. 

For questions about INEE’s role in the E-Cubed Research Fund, please contact INEE Data & Evidence Team Lead Sonja Anderson at sonja.anderson@inee.org. For questions about Dubai Cares’ role, contact Dubai Cares Research Analyst Nadeen Alalami at nadeen.alalami@dubaicares.ae