الموارد Hoping against the Odds: Understanding Refugee Youths’ Aspirations for Gaining Overseas Scholarships Hassan Aden draws from semistructured interviews and goal-mapping exercises to explore the cultural logics of hope, hard work, and success among refugee youths living in Dadaab as they pursue scholarships that will support their higher education aspirations and enable them to resettle abroad.
الموارد Field Note: The Impact of COVID-19 on Connected Learning: Unveiling the Potential and the Limits of Distance Education in Dadaab Refugee Camp HaEun Kim, Mirco Stella, and Kassahun Hiticha reflect on the challenges COVID-19 created for the Borderless Higher Education for Refugees project and the project’s efforts to support learning continuity, including allowing students, mentors, and instructors to collaborate on creative solutions.
الموارد The right to higher education for refugees and forcibly displaced people The following briefing note compendium reflects wide-ranging analysis and insights of the various barriers that refugees and forcibly displaced people experience in accessing, progressing, and completing higher education. At the same time, the briefing notes present considerations that States and other higher education stakeholders should take into account to defend and promote the right to higher education for this equity deserving group.
الموارد Refugees' experiences with online higher education: Impact and implications through the pandemic This paper examines and discusses refugees’ experiences with online higher education during COVID-19, a phenomenon which impacted millions of lives in displaced conditions.
الموارد Migration, Displacement, and Higher Education. Now What? Experts from the social sciences, humanities, arts, and experimental sciences offer interdisciplinary perspectives to translate critical analysis into concrete action. The collection highlights activists, artists, and educators who have initiated projects in cooperation with and for the benefit of populations affected by migration and displacement.
الموارد المذكرة الإرشادية الخاصّة برفاهية المعلّم الخاصة بـ الشّبكة المشترَكة لوكالات التّعليم في حالات الطّوارئ (الآيني) - مواءمة المذكرة الإرشادية في ميانمار -الجامعات غير الحكومية عبر الانترنت تتكوّن الأدوات التي تم مواءمتها للسياق المحلي من منهجية وتأمّلات، بالإضافة إلى المجال 3 الذي تم تكييفه ومواءمته في الملاحظات الإرشادية الخاصّة برفاهية المعلّم في حالات الطّوارئ للاستخدام من قبل أساتذة الجامعات في الجامعات غير الحكومية في ميانمار.
الموارد INEE Teacher Wellbeing Guidance Note - Contextualization for Myanmar, non-state online universities These contextualization tools consist of a methodology and reflections, as well as the resultant contextualized Domain 3 of the Guidance Note for Teacher Wellbeing in Emergency Settings for use with university instructors in non-state universities in Myanmar.
الموارد Nota de orientación de la INEE sobre el bienestar docente: Contextualización para universidades en línea no estatales de Myanmar Estas herramientas de contextualización incluyen una metodología y reflexiones, así como el Ámbito 3 contextualizado que resulta de la Nota de orientación para el bienestar docente en entornos de emergencia para su uso con docentes universitarios en universidades no estatales en Myanmar.
الموارد Note d'orientation de l’INEE sur le bien-être du personnel enseignant - Contextualisation pour le Myanmar, universités en ligne non-étatiques Ces outils de contextualisation consistent en une méthodologie et des réflexions, ainsi que le domaine 3 contextualisé dans le cadre de la Note d'orientation pour le bien-être du personnel enseignant dans les situations d'urgence, à utiliser avec les instructeurs universitaires des universités non étatiques du Myanmar.
الموارد Nota de Orientação para o Bem-Estar de Professores e Professoras da INEE – Contextualização para Myanmar, universidades online não estatais Estas ferramentas de contextualização partem da metodologia e de reflexões que resultam de pontos do Domínio 3 contextualizado da Nota de Orientação para o Bem-Estar de Professores e Professoras em Contextos de Emergência para ser usado por professoras/es de universidades não estatais no Myanmar.