الموارد AI competency framework for students The UNESCO AI competency framework for students aims to help educators in this integration, outlining 12 competencies across four dimensions: Human-centred mindset, Ethics of AI, AI techniques and applications, and AI system design. These competencies span three progression levels: Understand, Apply, and Create. The framework details curricular goals and domain-specific pedagogical methodologies.
الموارد AI competency framework for teachers The AI competency framework for teachers addresses this gap by defining the knowledge, skills, and values teachers must master in the age of AI. Developed with principles of protecting teachers’ rights, enhancing human agency, and promoting sustainability, the publication outlines 15 competencies across five dimensions
الموارد Cluster randomized controlled trial of a phone-based caregiver support and parenting program for Syrian and Jordanian families with young children For refugee caregivers who may live in remote areas or be a highly mobile population, creating parenting programs that fit their needs and accommodate their mobility can be highly beneficial. In this article, we evaluate a 6-month, audio-only early childhood development (ECD) intervention delivered via phone (3 calls per month) to caregivers of Syrian and Jordanian backgrounds in Jordan.
الموارد Global education monitoring report 2024, gender report: technology on her terms The 2024 Gender Report tells the increasingly positive story of girls’ education access, attainment and achievement, which is helping reverse decades of discrimination. But there is much more to say on gender equality in and through education. A companion to the 2023 GEM Report, this report looks at the interaction between education and technology with a gender lens.
الموارد Principles for Digital Development The Principles for Digital Development serve as a compass for those working to promote sustainable and inclusive development in today’s complex digital landscape. Using these Principles as a starting point, policymakers, practitioners, and technologists will be better equipped to ensure that all people can benefit from digital initiatives and from the broader digital society.
الموارد Actualización de los Principios para el desarrollo digital Los Principios para el desarrollo digital actúan como brújula para las personas que trabajan para promover el desarrollo sostenible e inclusivo en el complejo panorama digital actual.
الموارد Principes pour le développement numérique actualisés Les Principes pour le développement numérique servent de boussole à ceux qui s'efforcent de promouvoir un développement durable et inclusif dans le paysage numérique complexe d'aujourd'hui.
الموارد Gamified interventions for refugee children in primary education: A scoping study To grasp the nature and the full potential of gamification in language learning, a scoping study was applied to detect gamified interventions that were designed for refugee students aged 6-12 years old and implemented in various formal and informal environments.
الموارد Language and Digital Humanitarian Action This report highlights the language limitations of most digital humanitarian services, leaving millions of crisis-affected individuals excluded. It demonstrates the demand to make services available in the language that people need. The research spotlights two digital platforms making strides towards inclusion for marginalised language speakers.
الموارد Language technology for humanitarian action How collaborating on language technology development could reduce the digital language gap