الموارد Key Findings from Analyses on the Relationship between Education and Peace This report shares some of the high-level findings from comprehensive research undertaken by IEP to better understand the relationships between education and levels of peacefulness.
مدونة التعليم من أجل سلام دائم تحتفل المجتمعات حول العالم في 24 يناير من كل عام باليوم الدولي للتعليم، وهذا العام يأتي بشعار "التعليم من أجل سلام دائم". في مقاله، يسلط بلال محمود خليفة، مستشار تربوي في منظمة إحياء السلام، الضوء على دور التعليم في مكافحة خطاب الكراهية وبناء ثقافة من التسامح والانسجام والتضامن.
الموارد Book Review: Youth-Led Social Movements and Peacebuilding in Africa edited by Ibrahim Bangura In her review of Youth-Led Social Movements and Peacebuilding in Africa, Deanna Pittman extends volume editor Ibrahim Bangura’s call to action to EiE audiences: resist the suppression of youth voices and give young activists a platform to be agents of social, economic, and political change.
الموارد Book Review: Becoming Rwandan: Education, Reconciliation, and the Making of a Post-Genocide Citizen by S. Garnett Russell Orelia Jonathan reminds JEiE readers of the complex relationship between education and peacebuilding as she reflects on S. Garnett Russell’s investigation in Becoming Rwandan of the Rwandan government’s efforts to create a cohesive national identity after the 1994 genocide.
الموارد Book Review: Teaching Peace and Conflict: The Multiple Roles of School Textbooks in Peacebuilding edited by Catherine Vanner, Spogmai Akseer, and Thursica Kovinthan Levi In her review of Teaching Peace and Conflict, Myuri Komagiri engages with Vanner, Akseer, and Kovinthan Levi’s Intersecting Roles of Education in Conflict framework. Komaragiri stresses the need to prioritize the education-as-transformer role for education to contribute effectively to peacebuilding.
الموارد Bringing peacebuilding to nexus thinking in education in emergencies: Promising practices to overcome injustices This report critically explores the potential for education to contribute towards the humanitarian-development-peacebuilding nexus in conflict-affected contexts.
الموارد Incorporar la consolidación de la paz al enfoque del nexo en la educación en situaciones de emergencia: Prácticas prometedoras para superar las injusticias Su objetivo es explorar, de forma crítica, el potencial de la educación para contribuir al nexo entre la ayuda humanitaria, el desarrollo y la consolidación de la paz, en contextos afectados por conflictos.
الموارد Intégrer la consolidation de la paix dans la réflexion sur le nexus dans l’éducation en situations d’urgence : pratiques prometteuses pour surmonter les injustices Son objectif est d’explorer de manière critique le potentiel de l’éducation à contribuer au nexus entre l’humanitaire, le développement et la consolidation de la paix dans les contextes touchés par les conflits. Pour ce faire, cinq études de cas ont été commandées, présentant une vue d’ensemble des interventions concernant l’éducation qui ont eu des résultats relatifs à la consolidation de la paix.
الموارد Between ‘the paradox of liberalism’ and ‘the paradox of decoloniality’: education for peacebuilding in conflict settings This article extends current debates in Education for Peacebuilding (EfP) in conflict settings. It presents and discusses two paradoxes I have observed when examining EfP literature and engaging in conversations with EfP scholars: ‘the paradox of liberalism’ and ‘the paradox of decoloniality’.
الموارد Peacebuilding Education to Address Gender-Based Aggression: Youths’ Experiences in Mexico, Bangladesh, and Canada Drawing from teacher and student focus group discussions in 11 urban public school contexts, authors Kathy Bickmore and Najme Kishani Farahani find that GBV is a shared concern, but that curricula and classroom practices don’t sufficiently address the issue or create space for transforming local experiences of gender conflict as a way to support sustainable peace.