الموارد How to Guide to Conflict Sensitivity This guide draws upon Consortium experience to illustrate real examples of applying conflict sensitivity.
الموارد An Introduction to Conflict Sensitivity This chapter explains what is meant by conflict sensitivity, who needs to have it, and when, how to place conflict sensitivity within development, humanitarian assistance and peacebuilding, and current debates within these fields.
الموارد Barriers to Accessing Education in Conflict-Affected Fragile States: DRC The case study of DRC is part of a larger Save the Children Alliance research project on barriers to accessing primary education in conflict-affected fragile states.
الموارد The Future is Now: Education for Children in Countries Affected By Conflict This report identifies a number of barriers to progress for education in areas of conflict.
الموارد INEE Thematic Issue Brief: Conflict Mitigation It is critical that humanitarian responses for education are approached from a conflict sensitive framework that understands education’s potential for impacting conflict and fragility, while simultaneously reducing the negative and increasing the positive impacts of education.
الموارد Past horrors, present struggles: The role of stigma in the association between war experiences and psychosocial adjustment among former child soldiers in Sierra Leone Upon returning to their communities, children formerly associated with armed forces and armed groups–commonly referred to as child soldiers–often confront significant community stigma.
الموارد Global Trends for Education to Support Stability and Resilience Initiatives and activities are focused on ensuring quality and accessible education in fragile contexts that also supports broader contributions to state-building, peacebuilding and stability. Trends in research, programming and financing relate back to the need to ensure quality and access in education provision in fragile contexts and the idea that education has a role in mitigating fragility.
الموارد Where Peace Begins, The Pivotal Role of Education for Lasting Peace Most people recognize instinctively the role of education in preventing conflict and in building peace. Now it is time to begin to work toward the establishment of peace in countries affected by conflict by integrating quality education into peace agreements.
الموارد Child Friendly Spaces Facilitator Training Manual During the training you will learn how to establish a Child Friendly Space as well as become more familiar with the Save the Children Child Friendly Spaces in Emergencies Handbook.
الموارد Opportunities for Change: education innovation and reform during and after conflict War and conflict have a considerable negative impact on the education sector. However, even as education systems are damaged or destroyed by violence, multiple opportunities emerge for positive innovation and reform.