مدونة Éduquer en temps de crises et faire face à l'urgence : appel à communication L'objectif de ce colloque est de réfléchir à la manière dont les pays ont fait face aux défis éducatifs en période de crises et d’urgences environnementales, sanitaires, migratoires, de genre, sociales et/ou politiques dans différents moments de l'histoire.
مدونة مجموعة الدول السبع G7 تدعو إلى التعاون الدولي لحماية حق الطفل في التعليم في حالات الطوارئ والأزمات إنّ التهديدات التي تطاولُ الإستقرار والأمن العالميّين – جائحة كورونا، الكوارث المستحثّة مناخيًّا، أزمة أفغانستان، النزاع الأوكراني وغيرها من الأزمات المنسيّة- تشهدُ ارتفاعًا استثنائيًا في حدّتها وتُنذر بالأسوأ.
مدونة G7 Call for International Cooperation to Protect Children’s Right to Education in Emergencies and Crises COVID-19, climate-induced disasters, the Afghanistan crisis, the Ukraine conflict, and other forgotten crises – threats against global stability and security are at extraordinary highs and projected to worsen.
مدونة Llamado al G7 para la Cooperación Internacional a fin de Proteger el Derecho de los Niños y las Niñas a la Educación en Tiempos de Emergencias y Crisis COVID-19, desastres causados por el clima, la crisis en Afganistán, el conflicto de Ucrania y otras crisis olvidadas: las amenazas contra la estabilidad y la seguridad mundiales están en niveles extraordinarios y se prevé que empeoren.
مدونة Appel au G7 à la Coopération Internationale pour Protéger le Droit des Enfants à l’Éducation dans les Situations d’Urgence et de Crise COVID-19, les catastrophes d'origine climatique, la crise en Afghanistan, le conflit en Ukraine et d'autres crises oubliées - les menaces contre la stabilité et la sécurité mondiales atteignent des sommets extraordinaires et devraient s'aggraver.
مدونة Apelo ao G7 à Cooperação Internacional para Proteger o Direito das Crianças à Educação em Emergências e Crises A COVID-19, desastres induzidos pelo clima, a crise no Afeganistão, o conflito na Ucrânia e outras crises esquecidas – as ameaças à estabilidade e segurança globais estão em níveis extraordinariamente altos e devem piorar.
أخبار Education in Emergencies featured at first European Humanitarian Forum The Geneva Global Hub for Education in Emergencies hosted an online Humanitarian Talk as part of the first ever European Humanitarian Forum, held in Brussels 21-23 March.
أخبار Afghanistan: Taliban backtrack on reopening high schools for girls The Taliban have reversed a decision to allow Afghan girls to return to high schools, saying a ruling is still to be made on the uniforms they must wear. Schools were set to open nationwide after months of restrictions since the Taliban seized power in August. But the education ministry abruptly announced girls' secondary schools would stay shut, causing confusion.
أخبار A holistic approach to security: The impact of education – Interview with Yasmine Sherif As the world continues to evolve, new threats challenge our security: climate change, gender inequality, armed conflicts and more, no longer restricted to national borders. Hence, security needs to be understood not only as the absence of physical danger. We need to leave the realist theorist approach behind and consider the human, economic, and environmental dimensions of it.
أخبار How Yemeni parents are banding together to keep their kids in school Seven years into a deadly and devastating war, thousands of Yemeni parents are using what little they have left to fight for an untold victim of the country’s conflict: their childrens’ education.