UNICEF and the COVID-19 Response for Education in Jordan

The COVID-19 pandemic is negatively impacting children’s education around the world, with children in emerging and developing economies some of the worst-affected. On 15 March 2020, the Government of Jordan closed all schools, kindergartens and universities, impacting 2.37 million learners. Countries affected by ongoing conflict are especially vulnerable to the social and economic impacts of COVID-19. In Jordan, the Syrian refugee population includes over 230,900 school-age children, though numbers of unregistered refugees in Jordan are much higher.

The Government of Jordan is committed to ensure learning continuity for all children through distance learning during COVID-19, and UNICEF has supported these efforts since the onset of the crisis.

معلومات عن المصدر

نوع المورد

Emergency Response Plan


الجهة المنظمة

United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)


Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Humanitarian Sectors - Education

المنطقه الجغرافيه التي تهمكم اوتعملون بها
