Emergency Developmental Assets Profile (EmDAP)
The Emergency Developmental Assets Profile (EmDAP) measures the well-being of children and youth in emergency settings such as refugee camps and armed conflict zones, assessing whether young people are experiencing adequate positive relationships and opportunities, and developing positive values, skills, and self-perceptions, despite being in crisis circumstances. The EmDAP was adapted from the reliable and valid Development Assets Profile (DAP) (Search Institute, 2005).
The Evidence Report is published in the Journal of Adolescence. Those that want access to the Evidence Report can request it from the authors on ResearchGate.
Evidence Snapshot
The instrument was found to have acceptable and nearly identical internal consistency reliability in 22 administrations in non-emergency samples in 15 countries (.75), and in 4 samples of youth ages 10-18 (n = 1550) in the emergency settings (refugees and typhoon victims, .74) that are the measure's focus, and evidence of convergent validity. Confirmatory Factor Analysis showed acceptable model fit among those youth in emergency settings.
1,550 youth from the Philippines, Lebanon, Jordan, and Iraq
Measure Snapshot
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عملية الفحص والتدقيق
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المهارات الاجتماعية والعاطفية
Paper/pencil format
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